Return of old Enemies..and a New Threat

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A/N: a aftermath from the assassination chapter in SwordwarriorX  random book 6

FrostWing was smiling softly watching everyone getting ready for the feast as he walked around in Zaydon castle seeing his angel Saffira and Queen Osha

Saffira: hello young lord FrostWing see you Got your arm back

FrostWing:yeah it's good to have my other arm back Yamcha has my thanks for restoring it

He said stretching out his arm with Queen Osha rubbing his arm softly and smiles

Queen Osha: I'm happy that everything is good again

FrostWing: me to

He said as he and Queen Osha smiles and hugs each other then FrostWing sees Cynder,Silver,Glare appears behind him and he looks back and smiles

FrostWing: hey guys.. Queen Osha I like you to meet Silver and his wife Cynder and daughter Glare I met them a long time ago when I fought someone..we all be together ever sense they live inside me with only my friends, family, love ones and family bloodline.

Queen Osha: well it's nice to meet you all

Glare: nice to meet you to Queen Osha... I have to say you make a beautiful wife for FrostWing

Queen Osha blushes red as Cynder rubs her head softly

Cynder: don't mind are Daughter..

Silver:'s really nice to meet you Queen Osha

Queen Osha nods as her blush starts to lighten a bit

Queen Osha:Yes very nice to meet you 3 to

She smilies then sees zayda comes And smiles hugs FrostWing

Zayda:there you are come in Zaydon will be here soon

FrostWing:I'll be there just wanna take a walk

FrostWing kiss Zayda lips as she walks off with Saffira,Cynder,Silver,Glare and then Queen Osha follows them looking back at FrostWing

Queen Osha:see you there...

FrostWing nods and gives her a quick kiss causing her to blush and walks off to a hill looking at everything and smiles seeing how things look peaceful until suddenly he felt 3 people energy behind him

???: don't move...

Said a female voice as 2 other females were behind her as the one talking to FrostWing had a ki energy up to his head FrostWing then looks back slightly gets a good look at the 3 sayians behind him

FrostWing: you know... I thought Naydax Killed you's nice to meet you 3 face to face.. Wagyu,Gyiku..and Kiara

The 3 sayians grip there fist Kiara holding the the ki blast closer to him

FrostWing: you aren't here to kill me to get revenge by ending one of Naydax friends m.. I know that you are smart enough to not do it now or do anything else

Wagyu: that's right... and this isn't about revenge we have been brought back to give you FrostWing a message

Gyiku: and that would be that the person who brought us back told us that..He will be coming soon For you and someone name Silver head along with his family

FrostWing looks at them fully

FrostWing:..this doesn't sound like Dark FrostWing... he doesn't know about silver and his family.. who brought you back to life

Kiara: his Seele

Wagyu,Gyiku And Kiara then smirks and disappears leaving FrostWing to think to himself

FrostWing:...I should talk to Silver about this.. and informed Naydax and the others after the feast

FrostWing flies back to the castle to enjoy the feast and tell his friends and Silver the upcoming threat that him and silver will be facing

*at a dark castle on another planet*

Two people were standing angel in black clothing and a lizard like being were standing next to a sayian the angel look in her staff seeing Wagyu,Gyiku and Kiara coming back

Two people were standing angel in black clothing and a lizard like being were standing next to a sayian the angel look in her staff seeing Wagyu,Gyiku and Kiara coming back

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Naomi: Lord Seele it sees the mission was successful

The dark angel said looking at the sayian

Seele: perfect soon everything will be ready

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Seele: perfect soon everything will be ready

Then the lizard like being spoke

Wamba: Lord Seele should we do a surprise attack

Seele: not yet Wamba I want to see Silver face when he soon finds out I have returned

Seele then looks out the window smirking Evilly

Seele: are reunion will soon come.. My dear Brother Silver

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