Female Pit and Female Dark Pit

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A/N: Dark FrostWing was about to go kill FrostWing... but there was a certain problem with Dark FrostWing New wife getting into a fight

Dark Pat (female Dark Pit):*smirks* if it isn't my goodie good side Pat (Female Pat) have you met my new boyfriend his way better and stronger then your boyfriend

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Dark Pat (female Dark Pit):*smirks* if it isn't my goodie good side Pat (Female Pat) have you met my new boyfriend his way better and stronger then your boyfriend

Pat (Female Pit): that's not true my boyfriend way stronger then your boyfriend! Just like I'm better then you

Dark Pat: 🔥_🔥 WHAT WAS THAT!?!?!?

Pat and Dark Pat start fighting each other forming a fighting cloud while FrostWing and Dark FrostWing was watching

Dark FrostWing: you know I came here to kill you.. but maybe we should stop them

FrostWing:..yeah I don't think we should do that

From afar a male version of palutena and Male version of viridi were watching

From afar a male version of palutena and Male version of viridi were watching

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Viridian (Male viridi):... should we try stopping those 2

Photios (Male palutena): I don't know there fights Are entertaining

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Photios (Male palutena): I don't know there fights Are entertaining

Pat: at least I have a bigger chest then you!


FrostWing And Dark FrostWing: 😰 yep definitely not going to stop them from fighting each other


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