FrostWing and Silver Vs Seela: Seela Dark Transformation

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FrostWing and Silver were staring at Seela as all 3 of them staring at each other as there energy's were rising

Silver: this is your last chance brother... you can stop this madness and walk up towards the path of good

Seela just laughs from this glaring at his brother

Seela: you honestly think you can make me change my mind... I'll get what I won't and no one will stop me!

Seela then fires a dark energy ki wave at silver and FrostWing with FrostWing and silver dodging the blast

FrostWing: Alright He Gave you a now we will stop you!

FrostWing charges at him as he sucker punch Seela sending back into a wall

Seela:*growls slightly getting out of the wall looking at him* why you little

He powers up more charges at FrostWing clashing there fist and kicks with each other as shockwaves happen then FrostWing jumps back charging energy


He then fires it as Seela as Silver roundhouse kicks him to the blast as it Sends to the ground with silver and and FrostWing landing next to each other as Seela starts getting up from the crater

Silver: you had enough brother you are outnumbered..just give up now

Seela looks up at them both and just laughs evilly

FrostWing:why are you laughing for we are beating you and you haven't been putting up much of a fight

Seela looks At him and then smirks

Seela: that's the point you fools

Seela energy starts rising up and the whole room shine blinding FrostWing and silver

*outside with Cynder and Glare*

Cynder and Glare were still fighting Wagyu Gyiku and Wamba until Cynder,Glare massive burst of energy causing them to treble in fear along with naydax and the others even Wagyu and Gyiku felt a bit of fear feeling this

Glare: w-what is this power..

Wamba: this Power is your downfall

*with Saffira and Naomi and Kiara*

Saffira and Kiara were also trembling feeling this amount of energy

Kiara:w-what is this

Naomi: this is the master full power..when he starts getting serious

*back with FrostWing,Silver and Seela*

The light starts to die down as Seela look completely different with black aura surrounding him

The light starts to die down as Seela look completely different with black aura surrounding him

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FrostWing and Silver could hardly move feeling this and Seela smirks seeing this

Seela: I can see that look in your eyes and how you feel... the trembling of fear this is what everyone should be feeling when they see me Seela the Dark Hero Of Fear and Darkness

FrostWing grips his fist looking At him

FrostWing:y-Your no hero! No one will ever see you as one!

Seela smirks and moves at blinding speed hitting FrostWing in the stomach then kicking him into the wall

Silver: FrostWing!

Silver then charged forward to Seela punch him in the face but Seela hardly flinch and they start clashing fist with each other with Seela getting striking Silver hard causing silver to hold his stomach in pain before getting kick into the ground then FrostWing comes out of the wall coming fast at Seela only for him to catch his fist

Seela: you no longer can hurt me

Seela starts gripping FrostWing fist as FrostWing glaring at him

FrostWing: you will not win... good always wins

Seela: pathetic... you haven't realize.. I already won

Seela then breaks FrostWing fist then slams him to the ground where silver was


Silver gets up in pain helping FrostWing up until Seela makes 2 dark energy spears and stabs them both to the ground

Seela: this was fun while it lasted... but time for me to end this

He starts to form a giant ki blast then teleport above his castle and was about to fire it

*with Saffira and Naomi and Kiara*

Naomi and Kiara were panting heavily looking at Saffira in front of them

FrostWing:*talks in Saffira Head* Saffira!.... get out!


FrostWing:*in Saffira head* GET OUT NOW!

Saffira was confused then looks outside seeing Seela holding a big ki energy about to throw it at the castle then grabs Naomi and Kiara teleport outside with them

*with Cynder,Glare,Wagyu,Gyiku and Wamba*

Cynder and Glare have them on the ground until they saw Saffira appear with Naomi and Kiara

Glare:Saffira!.. what's going on! Wheres FrostWing.. wheres my Dad!

Saffira: there's still inside!

Glare: w-what we have to go back inside!

Seela laughs evilly throwing the giant dark ki blast at the castle causing a big explosion

Saffira and Cynder:FrostWing!


Seela smirks slowly landing down in front of them looking at them all with a evil smirk

Wamba: lord Seela you did it! Now we ca..

Seela then stabs him with a ki blade

Wamba: l..lord Seela...

He throws him into Naydax throwing them back into a boulder


Kiara: what are you doing!

Seela: I have no use for any of you... your service to me is done

He charges another ki blast aiming at all of them all then Glare looks at him stepping forward in tears and angry

Glare:y-you won't get away with this!

Seela:Stupid girl...*smirks* I already have *fires it at Glare*

Cynder:GLARE NO!

The ki blast then made contact causing a huge explosion and as the smoke clears Glare was show not hurt or damaged and saw someone else in front of her

The ki blast then made contact causing a huge explosion and as the smoke clears Glare was show not hurt or damaged and saw someone else in front of her

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???:this ends now!

Glare felt something at this mystery person looking at him

Glare:*in her head* he almost...look like Dad and FrostWing

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