4 days to change her...Sakura Resurrected

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FrostWing was at ghost planet as he was setting up the dragon balls then he summon Shenron and he was with his angel Saffira and Cecelia

NOTE: this is after results Of SwordwarriorX  new chapter in random book 4..Sakura return

Saffira:young master FrostWing.. you sure this is a good

FrostWing:relax Saffira I have everything under control all I need is 4 days and it will all be fine

FrostWing then looks over at Cecelia

FrostWing then looks over at Cecelia

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Cecelia: why am I here exactly

FrostWing:because Me and Zaydon brought you back and I managed to change when I set you up on that date with my Evil counterpart

Cecelia:*blush slightly and looks away* guess you have a point

FrostWing then summons Shenron looks up at him

Shenron:I'm the mighty Shenron speak your wish

FrostWing: Might Shenron resurrected Sakura daughter of Dajjal

Shenron:...your wish is my common

Sakura then appear in front of FrostWing Saffira and Cecelia

Sakura then appear in front of FrostWing Saffira and Cecelia

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She then slurs a few words

Sakura:most... kill..

FrostWing:*walks up to her* I wonder she remembers me..

Sakura looks up and glares at him before jumping onto him trying to stab him but FrostWing held her back using his tail holding her down with his tail


FrostWing: answer your second question... you are at my friend Ghost universe and your first question..I told Zaydon I could change you and I promise him that it will take 4 days

Sakura growls looking away then trying to stab him as Saffira and Cecelia watch

Cecelia: this is going to be a long 4 days isn't it

Saffira: yes..yes it will

Zaydon, Cecelia and Sakura belong to SwordwarriorX

Ghost belongs to Son__Ghost

FrostWing and Saffira belong to me

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