Warning Silver and Seela Plan

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At Zaydon castle

FrostWing enters back into Zaydon castle seeing Zaydon and Silver with his wife Cynder and daughter Glare

Zaydon: FrostWing There you are

His friend said as he looks at them him and Silver, Cynder And Glare look over at him and noticed FrostWing had a serious and worried look

FrostWing:Silver I need to have a world with you

He said as he walks to out the dining room as Silver starts to get up and sees his daughter looking at him

Glare: Dad is everything ok

Silver: I'm sure everything is ok sweetie just stay here with your mother and the Glare look at her mother Cynder also seeing Zayda and Queen Osha worried looks

Cynder:thrust your father Sweetie I'm sure everything is ok

Zayda: of course even if it is something bad I'm sure FrostWing and your father and also Zaydon can handle it

Queen Osha: I Agree so have some fate

Glare could only nod as she looks back slightly

Meanwhile in another room FrostWing walks into another room with Silver and he sees Naydax in the room to

Silver: so what is it you to need say FrostWing...and why is Naydax here

Naydax: there's a little problem that FrostWing needs to talk to you about..he told me about people I fought and killed..they were Wagyu,Gyiku and Kiara they Encountered FrostWing and gave him a warning and also you to Silver and they said that the person that brought him back was someone name Seela

Silver eyes widened hearing this when he hears that name

Silver: Seela.... that's impossible

FrostWing:Silver do you know him

Silver nods his head as he grips his fist

Silver: Seela... his my brother

FrostWing: your..Your Brother!

Silver nods his head looking at Him and Naydax

Silver: we both aim for the same goal but I wanted to use it for good he wanted to use it to punish and conquer others to get what he wants so we fought each other and I ended up beating him but he managed to escape... and looks like his here for revenge

FrostWing:.. and looks like he will take it out on me..and looks like me and you will work together to beat him

Silver: FrostWing I don..

FrostWing: we are pals Silver you and your family help me that day against Dajjke.. so it's my turn to help you out

Naydax: me and zaydon will help out to and he has Wagyu,Gyiku and Kiara with him..wjo knows how many more people are with him

Silver:...Thank you both.. we will let the others know about this..and we going to train up and be prepared

Silver,Naydax and FrostWing walks out the room to inform Zaydon and the others what going to happen

Meanwhile at Seela Castle

In a training room Seela was watching Wagyu and Gyiku training with Naomi as Kiara was watching them train to

Kiara: we should of attack when we had that chance

Seela: you would of gotten attention if you attack him then...and don't you forget I brought you 3 back

Kiara: just because you did that doesn't mea...

Seela grab her by the throat and glares at her

Seela: don't you talk about to me... you 3 follow my orders I brought you back to life and I can easily take it away again

Seela lets her go watching Kiara gasping for air again

Seela: do I make myself clear

Kiara growls slightly then looks up

Kiara: yes..understood Lord Seela

Seela:good...now then I think it's time for a little warning and gift for my dear brother and his friends...Wamba!

The dark lizard warrior walks up to him

Wamba: yes Lord Seela

Seela: go cause some destruction...to give silver and his friends a warning if they try to stop me

Wamba: yes lord Seela

Wamba smirks as he teleports away as Seela turns and smirks

Seela:..If you were smart Brother...you would take my warning and not stop me and if you try to stop me...you will lose everything you love and care about

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