Dark Frostwing Weakness

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Today I'm going to be showing Some of Dark FrostWing weaknesses and also his Abilities and powers

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Today I'm going to be showing Some of Dark FrostWing weaknesses and also his Abilities and powers

He has all of FrostWing powers and abilities EXCEPT FOR GOD OF DESTRUCTION FORM he feels he is powerful then any God of destruction
BUT his favorite Are
Galactic Meteor
Dark Final Kamehameha
Omega Blaster

Dark FrostWing can be over confident and doesn't think much on strategy on fighting his opponents and ALWAYS used to much power on his most powerful attacks and when he goes to use a Kio-Ken X100 it really does damage to his body causing him not to move for a long while PLUS on how much damage his body has already taken when he fights his opponents his x100 attack not only caused pain on his body IT ALSO makes his attack Weaker instead of making stronger. And his other weaknesses will be that his never fought anyone with a healing factor ((Doomsday healing factor)) before and he rage will make him lose focus on the fight as he gets mad and rage when he can't find a way to kill his opponents


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