Landing on Planet Katue

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FrostWing,Saffira, Cynder,Glare and Silver pods landed on the planet as there pods open up getting out

Glare:Finally!!!! We are here!

Glare stretches out her arms and legs as Cynder and glare come out of there pods as they looks at there Daughter stretching

Cynder: we would of gotten here sooner if SOMEBODY! Didn't beg us to stop at Spacys!

Silver: come on love it wasn't that bad

Cynder: not that bad! We had to wait for 20 whole minutes just to get are food and it didn't even take long to place are order in

Glare:but Mom I wanted to try and tasted how there food was... plus they had this $1 Radtiz menu

Silver:to me feels like it's trying to tell us something with a name like that

As silver,Cynder and Glare were talking Saffira and FrostWing were stepping out there pods as Saffira looks over at FrostWing Seeing he had a worried look on his face

Saffira: Lord FrostWing... what's wrong

FrostWing looks over at his angel

FrostWing: I..felt something bad happened back at home when we were coming here to Planet Katue

Saffira: I'm sure everything Is ok...

FrostWing looks at her

FrostWing: I.. I hope you are right Saffira

He then hears a explosion looking out in front of him along with the others

FrostWing:looks like the battle has already Started

He Said Seeing Wamba,Wagyu and Gyiku
Along with Seela other soldiers fighting against other soldiers

Glare: FrostWing me and Mom can go help them you Dad and Saffira go towards the castle

FrostWing was about to say something but Glare just flew downcast and sucker punch Wagyu and roundhouse kicks Gyiku to Wamba causing them to get angry

Wamba:Why you little!

Wagyu and Gyiku: You will pay for that!

All four of them engaged hand to hand combat with FrostWing,Saffira,Cynder and Silver watching this happening

Cynder: that girl.. she definitely like is sometimes

Cynder then charges into battle fighting along side Her Daughter

Saffira:Alright they are keeping them busy let's get going

FrostWing and Silver nods as they flies fast to Seela castle and when the went inside it they saw Naomi Seela dark angel and Kiara

Saffira: I'll handle them...

FrostWing:are you sure Saffira

Saffira: you need to beat Seela~ I'll be fine

Silver nodded and flew inside along with FrostWing passing Naomi and Kiara as Saffira appear in front of them both to stop them from going after them

Naomi: you really think you can take the 2 of us at once

Saffira: don't get confident I'll be able to take you both on... but we don't have to fight

Naomi: I don't have to listen to you I follow what Lord Seela tells me to do

Saffira then looks at Kiara as she saw her looking at him

Saffira:I heard what happened about you Kiara and about the other 2.. you really think you can trust Seela he could double cross you and all of you... you have a second chance to make things better

Kiara stays quiet for awhile then looks at Saffira and starts powering up Her energy

Saffira: looks like I have no choice

Saffira gets into a fighting position looking at them both

*Seela throne room*

FrostWing and Silver barges into the room and then silver yelled out


Seela turns around and smirks at him stepping down from his throne chair

Seela: you finally made it brother and you brought your little friend...good I'll get to kill both you and him

FrostWing:that won't happen! We will stop you here and now!

FrostWing went ssj blue as him and silver get into a fighting stance

Seela: you're both fools...but so be it

Seela charges his energy getting into a fighting stance himself

Seela: this place...WILL BE YOUR GRAVE!

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