Iron Man vs Batman Death Battle

176 3 7

I went into this wanting to know what other suits would used and I see that some others were mentioned but other obvious suits, for Batman for example, his final batsuit wasn't used for a reason(reason being a textbox in  after fight analysis)

As for the episode overall, I really liked it. Not the best 2-D episode but still enjoyable

Only things I didn't like was the fight length felt like it could have been longer

The song felt out of place for characters like these at certain points though a good track to listen to on it's own

And it felt like they rushed Batman into using the Hellbat suit.

Now, positives

There was an actual story as to why they were fighting, I know

Tony says Cap and Nat are breathing down my neck about this tower, so Tony wanted it shut down, though Batman himself destroys it to hurt Iron Man, kind of stupid in a sense since Batman was the one to want to keep it up

Hell bat was used to whack Iron Man back to Earth and then there was this short but really cool where Batman still in the hell bat suit takes on the iron legion, aka a bunch of AI controlled Iron Man suits

And the way Iron Man got Batman to have to ditch the Hellbat suit was he hacked it(while wearing no armor) and had Friday fire a big ass laser blast and did get the suit out of commission

Iron Man "tried" to fight hand to hand but got a smashed elbow but once it seemed like Batman would cave Tony's skull in, that one nano bot suit(I can't recall the name of it right away) used to attach to Batman and self destructed, pretty creative since they could have just rehashed another disintegration death but didn't, thank god. Disintegration deaths were getting old

I ain't giving this death much crap cause it was actually creative using something used by the combatants

Yes Iron Man won, now stop fucking using Batman over and over again

Though they did have a reason as to why the final bat suit wasn't used and wouldn't have helped Batman win

Reason was that theoretically the Final Batsuit could been used to control/wipe Tony's mind/memory but between battling Mephisto and his back up AIs having a backup for Tony's memory, the Final Batsuit wasn't a deciding factor

Now this should be elaborated more on in the Q&A. Though I am happy/agree Iron Man winning, elaborating more will be a good thing, unless it's poorly explained reasoning like in Ben 10 vs Green Lantern(that would have been received way better if the reasoning of why Hal Jordan won was better, I don't want to go off topic cause there was so much they could have explained better in that Q&A)

And Blake vs Mikasa, just check out my review as to why some explanations in this Q&A(like they really cared more about answering if Blake's blood was actually purple than answering any big question about the reasoning to the outcome, I remember they didn't really)that were shit despite having the right winner being obvious(more so obvious then Ben 10 vs Green Lantern)

Sorry for going of course for a bit

So yeah they need to at least address a few things need be addressed in the Q&A

Next is Goku Black vs Reverse Flash, a fight not shown in the preview which means there is only one more fight not seen, which I predict will be Galactus vs Unicron I think it was for Galactus' opponent

I don't really have any investment/care for either Goku Black or Reverse Flash so it's an eh from me, unless it pulls a Po vs Iron Fist were I at first was underwhelmed for the episode but ended up loving it

Though I am pretty sure after Goku Black vs Reverse Flash, it will be episode 150 which is confirmed to be Macho Man vs Kool Aid man, I can't wait

I am such a Randy Savage fan so I admit bias

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