Deku vs Asta Death Battle

160 3 11

I honestly liked this episode but it's just alright overall

I didn't really care either rundown, nothing really stood out for/to me

Voice acting was alright,  but the voice actor for Deku was really good, especially before the clash

As for the fight, I kind of like it. The setting essentially since it's basically part of a tournament

The repeated Detroit smashes was cool

Asta being surprised at Deku not using magic was a detail I appreciated

The visuals for each attack was well done, especially the green and black colors for Deku

The only think that bugged me was Deku only the Detroit Smash before plus ultra and the black stretchy ability before plus ultra while Asta got to do/use a lot more of his abilities before the final clash

Asta having the swords impale Deku through his back as he fell was a better death than one I thought would happen

Asta being really injured from the fight kind of showing Deku is still really strong himself was cool, it didn't completely bury Deku

Overall liked it but I enjoyed other episodes more this season

We aren't ever getting Galactus vs Unicron are we?

Next is Gogeta vs Vegito...........

I ain't against it but not really excited either, haven't indulged in the Dragon Ball Series since Z and GT with the exception of the games

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