Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Kakashi Death Battle

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Before I begin, if someone keeps fucking pm to ask who won cause I saw it early cause of my first membership, I won't post

It's fucking annoying. Anyways

And i saw in the chat butthurt fanboys cry, where was the susanno!? You know they go over all abilities but don't necessarily show all in the fight. Like they said for Esdeath vs Gray, it was either a slightly longer fight if she used ice cavalier instead of it shorter and just the ice mech.

The fight was alright, character models did look very uhhhhh blocky I guess you could say, or at least not as smooth as the Goro and Machamp models in their fight.

Darth Vader cameo, though it was Kakashi in disguise was neat.

Obi-Wan Kenobi won but the fight seemed kind of short, could have gone on a bit longer

Next fight is Danny Phantom vs American Dragon Jake Long, a fight fans have been wanting for a longtime.

I only know Danny Phantom but the series ended after I grew up/out of it so I don't know much beyond the beginning of the show

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