Goku Black vs Reverse Flash Death Battle

252 3 17

I had really no interest in this fight at fight at first but was mildly entertained.

The analysis was actually alright, I didn't want to skip either cause I don't know each character that really well

The one joke in the analysis I liked was both Wiz and Boomstick trying to explain the time travel elements of both backstories and just giving up

As for the fight itself, I liked it. I seen a lot of comments on the Rooster Teeth app for first members that this is the best fight this season and I say no not really

Yoda vs King Mickey and Link vs Cloud 2 is better to me

The song used was cool and could be listened to on it's own

As for the fight itself, I really liked it

Reverse Flash starting the fight by knocking Goku Black's coffee(or tea) out his hand was so petty but very fitting

I do like how they both went all out with their powers right away, especially when Reverse Flash uses a civilian as a human shield to block Goku Black's attacks

It then became a standard death battle until both went back to the beginning of the fight in which both kill their opponents past selves and they say to each other at the same time, "Why aren't you dead yet?"

Then both go on a time travel rampage killing each other in the past and even links this fight to the The Flash vs Quicksilver death battle with Reverse Flash being the one to put that random samurai statue in it's place where it kills Quicksilver in the Quicksilver vs The Flash death battle which is okay I guess

The death was cool and made sense, Reverse Flash destroys the ring that keeps Goku Black alive in all realities or something and punches through Goku Black's chest does the vibration technique and runs around the earth multiple times skidding Goku Black's body along the way tearing his skin off and then just hurling him into sun which results in the sun blowing up and destroying the galaxy pretty much

Overall, I really liked this episode, only things I didn't really like was the sudden switches to hand drawn animation, some looked bad

The scene in which Reverse Flash destroys Goku Black's ring, the hand drawn cheeky smile Reverse Flash gives looks really fucking bad in hand drawn animation

Winner was Reverse Flash

Next is episode 150 and it's Macho Man vs Kool Aid Man, and the little preview we got gives me Deadpool vs Pinkie Pie vibes since Wiz and boomstick were there with both Macho Man and Kool Aid Man so though I presume the fight will be crazy, I don't think either will die, though if I must choose a winner.

I will pick Randy Savage and day man

Oh yeah!

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