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Everyone knows it is time. Her pain is their pain and the Leader leads her to the Original Cave. The Father Mind waits anxiously as she screams through the pain, bringing the newest Maran into the world.

The Leader waits and watches side by side with the Other Leader whose mind is quiet, the Mother Mind as disconnected as always. The two Leaders wait as the babe is cleaned and wrapped in warm swaddling. Any moment, the new Maran child's consciousness will connect to its family and they will know which side of the mountain the baby will grow up on.

The Leader comforts the exhausted mother with the help of all her brothers and sisters. He does not feel the baby's mind join the collective and begins to turn away.


The word was rough, the throat not used to speaking aloud. The Leader turns back to Other Leader and coughs to clear his own rarely used voice. "What is it, Voice of the Mother?"

"The child is not ours."

Frowning, the Leader turns to glance at the babe, who lays quiet, looking around with bright and intelligent eyes. The Father Mind chatters with confusion. "They are not ours either."

"How can that be? Where will my child go?" the mother pleas to the Father Mind.

Both Leaders move closer to examine the child in question. There is no indication of the baby's gender and the leaders exchange glances. This alone is not a sure sign, but in combination with the silence of the child's mind...

"Could it be?" Other Leader asks.

"If they have not joined Father Mind nor Mother Mind, then it must be."

"They are the true child? The one who will bring the Great Convergence?"

"It must be so. There is no other explanation."

"They will need a name then."

The Leader ponders that. Names are rare amongst their people. After all, who needs a name when the sound of the individual's thought is distinguishable enough? Names are for word-speakers. But this child will need words.

Other Leader straightens and gives the babe a sharp-toothed smile, her eyes crinkling kindly. "Mar. It is the only suitable name."

"The Mother-Father's name? Is that truly appropriate? We may be wrong."

"We have agreed. What say you, Voice of the Father?"

The Leader sets the question to the Father Mind and, after great deliberation, it is agreed that the name is suiting. "Very well. Mar will return with their mother."

"For a year. Then they must learn and live with the Mother's children. A year after they will return to the Father's children. It is the only way to maintain balance. We will prepare a teacher of words."

"We will see them grow strong and loved."

Other Leader nods solemnly and turns back to Mar who stares again. "Praise the Father-Mother and may this be a blessing to us all."

Of course, upon return to the city, the rest of the Father Mind awaits anxiously to see the blessed child themselves.

"They are so quiet!"

"Their eyes do not look as a babe's does."

"How strange it is to not hear their mind."

"We must use words around them or they will not understand."

"Of course, they mustn't feel separated. They are what we have been waiting for."

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