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"You can't be serious!"

"You'll find out how serious I am if you don't pull yourself together. You voiced the job, you shouldn't be surprised."

"That was before the Jurisdiction ruled. Stars, I can't believe you brought it here."

"Shu, I'm this close to losing my temper. Just give me the buyer's name and you can crawl back into your hole."

"It's not that simple. My client asked for discretion."

"Obviously or you wouldn't have any use. If you won't give me a name then do your damn job and tell him I've got the goods. He's got six hours to make the payment or we walk."

"Six hours isn't very—"


"Right, six, got it. Just...just stay low."

Mar rubs their head. Everything is dark and now the voices have stopped, it's terribly quiet. Fingers creeping into the dark, Mar finds themselves in a box of some sort. Their small fingers poke through a couple of holes and brush some heavy cloth.

"Where am I?" Mar wonders. "Indoors probably since it's warm."

After waiting a few moments to see if anything happens, Mar builds up the courage to ask, "Hello? Anyone there?"

"It's not muffled enough, Jin."

There's the swishing of fabric and Mar shrinks back into the small space. Fear swirls in their belly making them sick and a whimper escapes, disappearing into the dark. They've never been without someone to keep them safe, never been hurt or trapped like this. Small fists bunch around the fur at their collar and they try to pretend the darkness is a sign this is all just a dream.

Dreaming is fun even though Mar always has the same one, albeit with different starts. They might be playing with their friends or wandering alone through trees or over icy ridges, then, everytime, the world will float away. Mar will be weightlessly flying up into the starry sky. The sound comes next. The beautiful indescribably sound that Mar feels more than hears, a throbbing so poignant it's almost painful. The space between the stars promises something, but before Mar can find out what, they always come crashing back down like someone yanked them by the back of the shirt and into their bed.

But there's no bed here and no whispering night sky. Only the oppressive silence.

"Hello?" Mar tries again.

No answer.

They try to pull the fabric into the cage but aren't able to do more than make an awkward pucker.

They try to scream, but the sound is as trapped as Mar.

They try to think hard, to send their thoughts to the Mother Tribe or Father Tribe.

It doesn't work. It never works.

Is that why they were taken away? Because they couldn't hear like the others?

Mar-Mother always said Mar is blessed, that they are different because they are blessed.

It was said with such pride and love, Mar never asked what blessed meant. It feels terribly important now, with nothing familiar to cling to.

Mar doesn't remember crying or falling asleep. But dreamlessly slipping back into consciousness, they find their cheeks wet and their eyelashes crusted.

Rubbing, their face clean, Mar jerks as the cage is dropped and whimpers again when the cloth pulls free revealing a bright room.

"Stars, it really is one!"

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