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Mar is hungry again. Terribly hungry. But more than that, Mar is thirsty. Their throat is dry as a stone from yelling. The room is quiet and Mar is scared.

Are they going to come back? Is Mar going to die here like a sick bird?

Mar tries to go to sleep, but rest doesn't come. All they can do is lie on the hard table and count the seconds. Of course Mar's never counted higher than one hundred so has to start over so many times that the numbers get all messed up in their head. One time, hoarsely Mar calls out, "Tae?" But when no one answers, Mar wishes they hadn't called out at all.

When the door opens and Examiner Yung sits back down, Mar finds themselves trembling.

"Let's try this again. Why do so few Maran's ever speak aloud?"

Mar doesn't answer, just stares at the stern faced man. His thin lips twist into a frown and Mar's heart beats faster.

"I'm going to ask one more question and if you don't answer it, I will leave again and no one will come back. What do you like to eat?"

The question is surprising and pulls a growl from Mar's stomach. "Liver, I like to eat liver."


Examiner Yung stands and takes the lamp from where it hung high on the wall. Carefully, he takes a basket and puts it over the lamp, plunging the room in darkness.

"Can you see me?"

Mar squints. "No."

After a few minutes, Mar's eyes adjust enough to make out the braided silhouette of the basket. They flinches when Yung's voice echoes from another part of the room, "How about now?"


Mar blinks when Yung takes the basket off the lamp and hangs it back on the wall. "Very interesting," he mutters and opens the door.

"Don't leave me alone!" Mar cries out.

"Tae, get a blood sample while I make some notes and obtain some liver for the specimen."

Yung leaves and is replaced by the sullen Tae. There's a bruise blossoming from his chin and his hand is bandaged to match his arm. When the door shuts, Mar and him stare at each other for a moment.

With a huge sigh, Tae turns to fetch something from a box on the desk.

Mar stares at him with wide eyes as he looms over the table. His cloth covered fingers press into Mar's arm.

"This is going to hurt a bit. Sorry."

Mar yelps as the small sharp knife cuts a small line in their forearm. A tiny cup catches the hot red blood and Mar can barely see what's happening. Tae caps the small bottle and presses a cloth to the cut before wrapping it to match his own arm.

Tae returns the tools to the desk and stands there staring down in the corner of Mar's eye. Mar licks their lips. "I-I'm thirsty," they rasp.

With another sigh, Tae shuffles over to another bottle. Mar's ears fill with the delightful sound of pouring water. Stone-faced, Tae gently tips the cup on Mar's lips who swallows eagerly. Mouth no longer parched, Mar sighs as well. "I'm hungry."

"Yung's getting you food."


"Well it's certainly not for me."

"Do you not like liver?"

Tae makes a face. "Not particularly. Do you really eat it raw?"

Mar frowns. "Why would you cook it?"

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