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"Let's see how fast we can go!" Mar shouts at Indigo before pushing off along the snow on their skis.

"Okay!" Indigo answers, although they are reminded for the millionth time.

"Do not go far from the bonfire!"

"I know, I know."

Indigo digs in his poles and pushes off, his superior weight making him catch up to Mar quickly. He sticks his tongue out as he passes and Mar narrows their eyes. Indigo gives out a whoop as he reaches the bottom of the hill first, but it turns into a yelp as Mar skids to a stop, showering their friend with powder.

"Hey! Don't be a sore loser, Mar."

"I'm not, I just like making snow fly."

Indigo turns to look up the hill, the flames of the bonfire barely visible. "Now comes the hard part. Getting back up."

Mar sighs. "I'm too tired right now, let's play in the snow here. It hasn't been trampled on and we can make a snow house."

"Can we stay down here?"

"As long as you can see the bonfire."

"Okay. But not too far." Indigo answers, turning just in time to duck and dodge a snowball.

"That's it!" He scoops up a handful of powder.

"I told you I like to see snow fly," Mar laughs and dances out of the way of Indigo's counterattack.

The two exchange a flurry of snowballs, running and laughing, cheeks growing rosy from the cold and exercise.

Mar stops and a snowball hits them in the back of the head. "Ooof! You got me. Hey, look over there."

They point and Indigo follows the finger. "It's Snowflake. She's looking for a sea spider nest."

"Let's go watch."

Indigo grabs Mar's arm. "Let me ask first."

Mar shifts awkwardly and waits.

"Snowflake, can Mar and I come watch you work?"

"Best not, this can be dangerous for small ones."

"Snowflake says it's too dangerous."

Pouting, Mar kicks the snow. "I wanted to see a sea spider."

"Come on, let's head back."

"But I don't want to head back yet. We were having fun."

Indigo shudders. He doesn't like spiders and the thought of the long silver legs emerging from the ocean have put fun far from his mind.

Firmly, Indigo starts walking back towards the abandoned skis. Mar sighs and follows. "If Snowflake finds a nest, what will she do?"

"Gather the webs and give them to Silk to weave."

"Sea silk is so plain while Silk is weaving. How does it get so colorful?"

"We don't know. The colored stuff comes from Literatus."


"Indigo!" The boy winces as the mental chiding. "You know better than to say such things around Mar."

"Don't worry about it," Indigo mutters and Mar gets that look in their eyes, the kind of sad look when they know they're being left out. Indigo takes their hand. "I'll race you back!"

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