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Gone? Maybe. At the very least given up. Another strange change Mar does not understand. It frightens Mar. They don't want to become part of En like the others. Primus tries to explain, but Mar is too hurt and angry. It's too late to join the En's Stars, to accept defeat. Mar doesn't want to anyway. The real stars are still calling. Mar wants to go home.

When Mar wakes up, it's to Bishop Celesta's stern face.

"Well you look better than yesterday," she remarks before standing. "I'm going to go fetch that young man of yours. He's coming here this time, so you leave that widow alone."

Mar sinks under the blanket and waits wide-eyed until a nervous looking Tae comes in wearing only his white under-robe.

"Sit," Celesta orders and Tae obediently sits on the bed next to Mar. She eyes both of them and sighs. "I'm going to do my morning prayers, you have until I'm done to get your story straight. Understand?"

'What's a prayer?" Mar asks and Tae sighs.

"A prayer, my intrepid widow climber, is how one speaks to the Stars. Today I'm going to ask Primus what to do with you two."

Mar sits up. "Primus! Can I come?"

"Not literally, Mar," Tae starts and then winces looking at the bishop, "I mean, er, let the bishop pray on her own, alright?"

"But I want to ask Primus..." Mar trials off as Celesta looks at them curiously.

"What did you want to ask the North Star, child?"

Mar shifts uncomfortably. They aren't really sure.

"I don't know. I just want to meet him, I guess. In case he wants to tell me something."

The bishop smiles. "I have much to pray about this morning, but perhaps later we can go together. How does that sound?"

Solemnly, Mar nods and when Celesta leaves, Tae leans against the wall and drags his hand down his face. "Be careful, Mar. I heard Soli clergy don't take kindly to those who believe differently. Historically anyway. I don't know, the sisters seem nice enough."

Mar kneels and pokes at Tae's bandage. "What happened last night after I fell asleep?"

Tae waves Mar's hand away. "Well I didn't get the liver if that's what you're asking. I think we're just going to have to tell Celesta you're a Maran or else they'll think I'm some psychopath who feeds children raw meat."

"Why do the Soli eat like Literans and not Marans?"

"No one eats like the Marans. That's why finding out about you made Yung famous." Tae covers his mouth. "Oh, um, actually we better not mention him. Or Difocia in general. Let's say...we found each other in the mountains? No, we know each other too well. Maybe if we just skip the middle, say we ran from black-market slavers. That's pretty close to the truth, right?"

"What's a slaver?"

Tae sighs again. "You make things really difficult sometimes, you know that? How about this, you just don't talk about anything before we got here okay? I'll handle the rest."

"Then what?"

"Then I guess we see what Bishop Celesta suggests. Hopefully we can stay here until we're feeling up for travel. Maybe I can do some chores or something to buy supplies. We're certainly not setting out without a better meat supply next time."

"I'm sorry, Tae."

Tae reaches over and ruffles Mar hair. "Nothing to apologize for. Just stop hiding apples in my sheets."

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