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Mar can hardly hear them now, they've changed so much. Anger, joy, heartache, love. Emotions that used to be shared across the cosmos now are isolated and ring with discordant melody. It's messy and different. Mar is scared to wake up, but the healing is over and the stars are calling.

Life at the convent is a steady pattern. The sisters rise and pray, they tend and administer, and then they thank and rest. Tae falls right in place, growing in every direction and enjoying the sisters' thanks as he learns to patch a roof, mend a cloak, and even help deliver an infant.

Mar fidgets. They get chastised for scaring the hen, for bothering the mourners, for climbing the statues. "Why?" the sisters ask, and Mar never has an answer besides, "I was just looking."

Looking for what? Mar's not sure. They've combed the convent up and down a dozen times, but still there's an itch that there's something hidden. The only time Mar seems to get any answers is from Sister Dahlia who goes into a fit half the time Mar crosses her path.

"You're trying to leave," she accuses as Mar rubs animal fat on the chapel doors so the squeaking will stop disturbing the prayers.

"Am I?" Mar asks.

Sister Dahlia nods sagely. "Why else would he say good-bye?"


"The North Star, of course. It's rude to stay after someone's said good-bye."

Mar looks up and down the hall for Sister Rose, who usually would have whisked her great-great-aunt away by now. With no sign of her, Mar meets Dahlia's eyes.

"Why does Primus make me feel sad?"

"Good-byes are always sad, child."

"If I'm leaving, where am I going?"

The old lady huffs and turns around, waving a hand. "That's your business."

When Sister Rose comes looking an hour later, she asks Mar, "Have you seen Sister Dahlia?"

Mar points where the sister disappeared and Rose sighs, straightening her hood. "Thanks, Mar. We've got visitors coming soon and she's been avoiding her bath."

"Who's coming?"

"Oh, it's just our regular check in with the main church. Usually some Vexis bishop. That reminds me, when you see Tae, would you tell him we're going to go ahead and serve that pig Victor left us."

Having eyed that particular animal since it showed up, Mar is quick about finishing with the door so they can poke around for Tae. They find him braiding garlic with Sister Medaya.

"Tae! Guess what!"

Mar nudges Tae shoulder, bouncing up and down.

"One sec, Mar. There." Tae finishes the braid and the quiet sister gives a nod of approval as he hands it to her to add to the pile. "What am I guessing, Mar?"

"What's so exciting, guess that!"

Tae eyes Mar. "Hmmmm, well, I know you already finished reading the almanac Di'zar lent you so this must have to do with food."

When Mar's grin widens, Tae snaps. "I got it, didn't I?"

"Poor squealer," Sister Medaya mutters, before sitting up and cracking her back. "I'll go gather some sage and rosemary if we're doing pork. And I'd better go ask the bishop what the occasion is. Fall solstice is a few weeks out yet."

"The Vexis are coming," Mar announces and Tae drops the garlic bulbs he was holding. They roll along the wooden floor and Sister Medaya lowers her hands from her back.

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