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Howdy. My name's Asriel. Asriel Aegros Dreemurr.

I'm pretty sure none of you know me, unless you're from my town, but you might know my dad, Asgore Dreemurr. He's the ex-Mayor of the town, but now he runs a flower shop.

My mom, Toriel, is kinda well-known too. She runs the most successful monster-human public high school in the western world, after all! (I'm using the exact words from her sparse Wikipedia article here).

But I'm certain the majority of you that know my own name (And don't know me personally) would know me for all the wrong reasons.

You see, three years ago a series occurred. I'm sure you already have enough information to Google what happened, but I'd appreciate it if you wait until I talk about it myself.

At the time I was twelve years old, and looked about eight at the oldest.

Now I'm fifteen years old, and still look a bit young for my age. The growth spurt Mom promised me hasn't happened yet. She says that I'll probably be extra tall later as if to make up for it. Dad said that I don't need to be tall to be successful. Easy for him to say, he's a pretty decent height.

Although I haven't been breaking out in spots like my human classmates, I had to get reading glasses last year. I opted for ones with a slight blue tint as I heard they're good for using screens. 

Here's a picture of me then and one of me now, drawn by my buddy :

Here's a picture of me then and one of me now, drawn by my buddy :

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My horns grew in too, and my hair tuft grew poofier faster

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My horns grew in too, and my hair tuft grew poofier faster. Frisk says it's 'Floofy'.

I'm now considered old enough to not need to wear striped shirts. My favourite is a jumper with the Delta Rune on it Dad bought me. It's the one thing he got me after the divorce that doesn't earn a raised eyebrow from Mom, as it has our state symbol. Sure, it's a bit big for me, but hopefully I'll grow into it.

My therapist advised writing down my feelings from now on, and Frisk suggested an online blog. I think it could help, but then again I honestly don't know. The one other time I wrote a diary, it was back when I was eleven and an innocent kid.

Compared to my peers, I seem pretty innocent, love and drugs wise. But I've seen things since then that changed me forever.

I'd like to issue a disclaimer here too: Any information about any person here is published with their permission unless I don't think it's necessary (For example, if they've talked about it to the press before).

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