Family (Audio Transcribe #1)

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Howdy. As you can see, I've, err, started recording my, um, blogs. Which I guess could be a vlog, except for, um, the part where it's converted into text. Frisk actually offered to do it. So, Frisk, can you please edit out the ums and errs? Thanks.

As I mentioned before, my parents are divorced. The reasons are personal, but suffice to say, I was...part of the reason. Now Mom can't stand Dad, and Dad is all depressed from being away from Mom.

The human in the picture is my sister, Chara. She's right now.

As Dad was Mayor at the time, and due to circumstances leading up to the divorce, Mom was awarded full custody of me and our pet Pomeranian puppy, Toby. Dad had to pay maintenance, and he looks after me most of the holidays, alternating weekends, and whenever Mom's on a school trip or travelling to advocate for more schools with mixed species. Even though a lot of his life has fallen apart like a sandcastle since then, he's never missed a maintenance payment, and he frequently pays extra.

It used to be awkward when Mom dropped me off, but now I take the bus or bike over. And I'll be able to get my solo car license after my birthday.

My sweet sixteen, as some people call it.

I don't have any plans at all. To tell the truth, they've felt very dull and lacklustre after the divorce. All I want for my birthday is to get my license and a job, so that I can save up for a car. Then I can go wherever I want, whenever. (Except during school of course).

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