Growing Up (Or, What Happened to my friends)

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My friends Sans, Undyne, Alphys, and Susie all graduated high school last June. We were in a 'Mixed class' for a bit, where various Year levels were shoved into one classroom. That was back when timed exams gave me anxiety. The class collapsed after my second year in it, when I was thirteen, and we were all relocated to other classes.

I'm completely fine with exams now, besides having to study for them.

Undyne's at a special Police Academy out of state. Sans opted to go to the local community college and stay at home, so at least he's still in town. But Susie got a scholarship to NYU after she actually started applying herself (And because of her kick-boxing and because they don't have many monsters), which is at least half a day's drive from Deltarune State. She promised to text but is busy nowadays, so she doesn't really. Alphys went even further, to MIT, but she's trying long distance with Undyne (And managing fairly well).

Even though I'm only a junior, everyone's asking me what I want to do when I graduate. I'd like to go to a prestigious college, but leaving the town scares me. Mom says I'm smart enough to try and go for the Ivy League, but I think she's biased.

Now that my older crowd has mostly left, I hang out with a group of kids from my class during lunch. Noelle Holiday, Frisk Resolute, Snowy, Monster Kid (MK) and Papyrus Garalde.

They're pretty nice people. Noelle always asks after Susie and has a nice thing to say to everyone. Snowy reminds me a bit of Sans (Due to the puns), and I was already close to Papyrus, Frisk and MK beforehand.

I don't really hang out with them after class though, apart from Frisk. She's a good friend to me, in many ways that I'm not comfortable talking about for now.

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