Question Guideline

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If you ever want to ask me or anyone in my town a question, go ahead! There's a few ways you can contact us:

1. Leaving a comment at the bottom of this page or my user profile (Older comments will be counted first)

2. DMing me on Discord (AsrielDreemurr, #7533)

3. PMing using the Wattpad messaging system

4. Messaging me on Undernet (Asriel Dreemurr)

5. Using any contact method listed on the profile of my associate, cover artist, and personal guide to Wattpad (CyberSophStudios). They're also on DeviantArt under the same name.

You are NOT welcome to ask in person (As that's just creepy), or by commenting on Soph's books. Also, unless it's specific to current events, don't comment your questions elsewhere on this book. Otherwise I'll assume they're rhetorical. An example of one contributing to current events is if I write an entry about going on holiday and you ask who's looking after my dog, Toby.

If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine, but any public comments show your username anyway, so I'll assume you don't want to be anonymous then. If you do want to be anonymous, make sure to specify, as by default I'll mention your name. (Also I will default to using 'They' pronouns if you don't specify as I don't want to assume gender).

I'll save up your questions until there's several good ones, then I'll make a Q and A. (If I get a lot of them I might make this a separate book).

Asriel Dreemurr's Blog/Ask Undertale AU!Where stories live. Discover now