Double Date

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"Hey babe!" Tori shouted to Hunter from across the hall, he turned to look at her and smiled. She lost some tension in her shoulders from that because he had seemed a little distant lately.
"Hey!" he yelled back and jogged over to her. He ran up and Tori tried to give him a hug but he kind of turned, trying to move on from that, she said;
"So do you want to do something tonight, I was thinking maybe we could hangout with Ellie and Fred."
"Uh yeah sure let's hangout with him- sorry them tonight!" He got a big smile on his face. Which made her happy because she was excited to spend some time with him again.

Tori is at her vanity doing her makeup, some blush on the cheeks, a little bronzer on her nose, a touch of brown on the outer corner of her eye, some highlight on her nose and inner corner of eyes. And lastly, mascara around her blue eyes. Hunter is sitting on her bed playing around on his phone waiting for his girlfriend to get ready. He glances over to see her brushing her long brunette hair with honey colored highlights sprinkled throughout it. He admires how perfectly put together she always looks. He walks over to her ready to leave, she waved her hand down to him, so he hunches over a little and she brushes his blonde hair so it's perfectly to the side. She looks into his dulled green eyes and smiles.

Meanwhile at the same time something similar is going on with Ellie and Fred. Ellie is touches up her makeup from earlier just adding some more highlight on her cheekbones, nose, and eyelids. she adds some more gel to her eyebrows and brushes on some more mascara on her lashes. The doorbell rings and she rushes down to be met with a blonde haired blue eyed boy. His hair has about three shades of blonde in it and he flashes his dorky smile at her,
"Hey El!"
"Hi Freddy," she runs over to give him a hug and he wraps his arm around her back and tucks a strand of her dirty blonde her behind her ear.
"Ready to go sweets?" Ellie nods and they head out.

They drove up to the resturant and walked in, Hunter took her coat off, and then took off his aswell. The waitress looked at him,
"How many?"
"4 please." he replied.
"Okay follow me" she said with a smile. They followed her to the back of the room and she put down 4 menus. Hunter pulled out Tori's chair, let her sit, then pulled out his own chair and sat down.

After a couple of minutes Ellie and Fred came in. Hunter smiled and waited for them to come over. The whole time Ellie and Tori were talking Hunter and Fred kept making awkward eye contact with each other. Every time one would look over and the other one was already staring they would both look away. Neither of them talked much that night. If you were paying attention that was.

Everyone was almost done eating then Hunter said,
"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Everyone perked up as to this was one of the few times that he had talked this evening.
"Okay!" Tori smiled and went back to talking with Ellie. After Hunter had closed the door of the men's restroom Fred sat up and said;
"Actually I think I may need to use the restroom aswell."
"Sounds good babe." Ellie turned back to Tori and they once again tuned back into their conversation.

Hunter walked away from the urinal as Fred walked in, Fred smiled at him. Hunter smiled back. Fred started to walk over to the urinal and Hunter tried to walk towards the door. Fred was looking at the floor and Hunter was focused on getting out of the bathroom so he wasn't paying much attention to where he was walking either, and as Hunter made his way over they bumped into each other. They both paused for a second and turned to look at each other. They locked eyes for a solid 7 seconds.
"Hunter! Fred! Come on! We've been ready to go forever!"
"Okay sorry honey!" Fred shouted then looked back at Hunter, smiled, blushed then started to walk out. Hunter stood there for a split second before Tori came in and grabbed his arm,
"Come on sweets!"
"Okay." Hunter rubbed the back of his neck as he thought about what had just happened to him.

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