An Unpleasant Car Ride

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Tori climbed into the car after her boyfriend opened the door for her. Hunter got in the right side of the car and just sat down and stared at the window. Tori began driving. Every couple of minutes she would look over to see Hunter and everytime he would just be staring out the window fixating on everything they drove by.
"You tired?"
No response. She repeated the question till she got an answer;
"Sorry, what?"
"I said are you tired, I asked like 5 times," her voice sharp as she got more annoyed with him.
"Oh um yeah I guess,"
"I texted Ellie and she said that Fred was pretty sleepy too." He turned back to look out the winsheild again. Tori believed him and started driving again. Little did she know all he was really thinking about was that moment, and more so what he would do next, or what Fred would do next, or what Tori would do next. Her head was clear, she had two thoughts in her mind: drop off Hunter, drive home. Meanwhile Hunter had 100 thoughts in his head. Ones she would never even think of, ones she didn't know Hunter would ever experience.

As Hunger looked out the window and thought of the inimate moment that he had shared with his girlfriend's friend's boyfriend. He knew how wrong it was, cheating on his girlfriend, having feelings for a man, and not only wanting a man but wanting a man who was also in a realationship.

In the car with Ellie and Fred, Fred was the one driving as well, because he knew Ellie preferred it, and he felt so much guilt. But even though Fred was driving he was also zoned out. All he could think about was those emotions aswell, he tried to think about all the positives so that he could push out those huge problems for future him. And huge problems for his current realationship. He loved Ellie, but he wanted Hunter. He felt comfortable with Ellie, but he wanted Hunter. He needed that realationship for the outside, but for the inside... he knew what he desired.

"Fred, did you have a good time?" Fred looked over to the person sitting next to him, but it wasn't the person he wanted to be sitting next to him.
"Uh yeah I did, sorry I'm just kind of sleepy. Do you mind if I just drop you off at your place instead of you staying the night at mine?"
"Oh sure."
"Yeah sorry just really tired."
"No it's fine, Tori said that Hunter was feeling tired on the drive home too."
"Yep maybe it's just a guy thing." Ellie nodded then rested her head on the window and closed her eyes. Maybe it really was just a guy thing Fred thought, or maybe just maybe, it was a love thing. Either way, not only Fred, but Hunter too felt comforted that they weren't the only one wondering what their next move would be.

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