A Rough Morning

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Hunter had always loved Monday, Fred had always hated Monday. To Hunger Monday was a day to start over. But to Fred Monday was a day where you had to face your problems. On this particular Monday though it seemed as though neither of them were looking forward to it, or the week to come.

When Hunter walked in through the front door of his school from the carpool lane he rushed to his locker so he wouldn't have to face Fred. Although it seemed as though Fred had the same plan. So of course by the time Fred got to his locker from the bus Hunter had already gotten his own. And of course their lockers had to be 2 away from each other. So Fred walked over to Ellie's locker on the other end of the hallway to kill time. By the point he decided had been long enough to go back to his locker Hunter was just on his way to his first class.

After the locker scene bad ended it was time for both of them to head to class. On their walks over Fred was watching the ground, and Hunter was staring at his phone. Then BOOM, of course out of everybody they ran right into each other.
"Oh I'm sorry."
"No it's fine." Fred looked up and was faced with a familar face. A face he was frustrated to see after all that work, but a face he had missed so much. He wanted to spill all of the thoughts running through his head to him, but he knew he couldn't mess this up that badly.

Hunter was feeling the exact same way. No one knew this but Hunter was a very soft person, he just didn't let it show through. Periods 1-3 all Hunter could think about was Fred. He needed a break from trying to pay attention and finally raised his hand to ask;
"Miss may I go to the restroom?"
"Yes Hunter grab a pass." He had an anxious look in his eye, that Tori didn't fail to notice, and jumped up and ran over to grab a pass and rushes out the door. Tori watches him with worried eyes wondering what is wrong with her boyfriend. And of course almost the same thing was going on with Fred, he just needed a break from class, and a break to reset his thoughts.

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