The End

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Fred was excited for tonight he had plans with somebody he really really liked. And he actually wanted to dress up this time. He put on a nice flannel, t shirt, and some jeans. He threw on his converse and headed out.

Hunter was also very excited for that night because they were going to go see a movie, they were going to see a new horror movie, they loved watching horror movies together and always went to see them whenever a new one came out.

Fred got to the theater first and called him up to see if he was on his way yet,
"Hey how close are you?"
"I'm pulling in now, can't wait to see you!"
"You too!" Fred replied, as Hunter pulled in he was super excited because they hadn't hung out together in forever.

"Hey! I missed you!" Hunter shouted
"I missed you too!" Hunter ran in and gave her a big hug,
"Let's get our seats," he said, they sat down together and while the previews were still playing he said,
"Hey I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick,"
"Okay! Don't miss anything!" Hunter walked off and turned the corner to get into the bathroom.

He pushed open a stall and saw somebody in there realizing they must have just not shut it fully.
"Oops sorry!" He tried to run into another stall but then realized,
"Fred?" He opened the stall again and saw Fred making out with another guy. He felt a high lump in his throat, holding back tears he said;
"What the actual fuck?"
"Hunter! I'm so sorry!" I um it's not what it looks like-"

Hunter ran out of there as fast as his legs could take him. As soon as he left the bathroom tears started running down his face. He ran into the theater and trying to stay quiet whispered into Tori's ear;
"Hey I need to leave, I love you,"
"What why?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow I just can't do this right now." He ran out and sat on the curb. Tears piling up on his cheeks and streaming onto his prominent nose and into his thin lips. He started thinking about what he must have down to Fred. Wondering how they went from being so perfect to him wanting to never even see him or hear his name ever again. He needed to talk to somebody but didn't know who. He couldn't talk to Tori, she was just too nice, she would tell him to look at the bright side and didn't need that right now. Hunter was the type of person who liked to unload all his problems on a stranger, somebody who was disconnected from his life so they wouldn't tell him what he wanted to hear. After thinking he knew exactly who he should call.

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