Salty Water

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Even though everybody says that things get better as time goes on with a breakup, it felt like things were getting worse for Hunter as time went on. Each day felt more and more like a chores to get out of bed everyday. Hunter knew his mom was concerned but she didn't know what was up. Hunter loved his mom and would tell her anything, but not this, if he wanted to keep a good relationship with her he couldn't tell her. While laying in bed trying not to start crying for the forth time in only 1 hour of being awake his mom called up the stairs;
"Hey honey are you hungry?" She yelled up,
"Uhm no I'm good,"
"Are you sure?"

Hunter felt bad, he knew that his mom was trying to just help but he didn't feel like being happy. Even though he was really depressed he kinda needed to be sad for a little. He didn't feel like being all cheery right now he just wanted to be sad with his thoughts for the time being. So he laid back down in bed and started to cry, again, and again. The tears started to get thicker and heavier they were now pouring down his face and running into his mouth again he felt the saltiness touch his tongue and he felt his nostrils getting wet. He rubbed his eyes and tried to calm down but started crying harder and harder. Soon he couldn't stay quit he was crying so hard he was making sound and couldn't stop. He was trying to hold it back but couldn't. He shoved his face in a pillow to soften the sound. The salty taste of the tears was the only taste in his mouth at this point.

After he calmed down and his eyes de-puffed and got less red he walked downstairs. He wanted his mom to know, or think, that he was okay. He sat on the couch and coughed a couple of times.
"Are you okay?" She looked at him and asked,
"Oh yeah I'm good, why?"
"Your throat just sounds dry,"
"Oh maybe I don't know,"
"Come here," He walked over and she took a glass of water out of microwave and then mixed some salt in, "swish this around in your mouth, it'll help." She wanted to help but little did she know that he had enough salt in his mouth and this would do nothing.

After that he walked upstairs again, he really wanted to but wasn't in the mood to hangout with another person, not that it was challenging to hangout with her, it was him. He just couldn't do it right then. He needed to be alone because he could tell he was gonna cry again. And it was annoying because he didn't even know what he was upset about. The Fred thing didn't bother him much anymore, he cheated so screw him, who cares. But for some reason he was just sad, all the time, for absolutely no reason. So he just laid in bed with tears running down his face, which was suffocated in a pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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