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Hunter was laying in bed and staring at his ceiling fan. He watched as the long wooden pieces move perfectly in a circle, round, and round, and round. He heard ringing so he glanced over and saw a call from "Fred 💖";
"Hey!" Fred started the convo,
"How are you doing?"
"Pretty well what about youuuu?" talking to Fred made him so happy, it made him feel so special,
"I'm doing good too,"
"So? Why'd you call?" I mean I'm not mad about it,"
"I don't know just to talk, I'm bored, and I like talking to you,"
"I like talking to you too,"
"Wanna hangout today?"
"Yeah that sounds really fun what do you wanna do?"
"Hm maybe we could just chill? Like do you wanna just come over to my place?" Hunter had the biggest smile,
"Of course I do!" Fred told Hunter his address and Hunter got in his car to drive over.

Fred heard a ding on his door, and ran over to it.
"Hey!" Hunter said as he opened the door,
"Hey! Fred gave Hunter a peck on the lips and he walked inside. Hunter loved when he did that type of stuff.
"So wanna hangout in my room or watch a movie?"
"Maybe watch a movie?"
"Sure!" They went to sit on the couch and after about 10 minutes of talking finally decided on watching the new Spider-man. Fred laid down and Hunter laid on his chest, a blanket mending them together on top.

They had both fallen asleep by 9pm just laying there together. At 9:03 they were woken up by a 9 year old Savannah jumping on them,
"Fred! Fred! Fred, I'm hungry! And who's this?"
"Oh uh this is Hunter, and I'll make you grilled cheese, do you want one Hunter?"
"Yeah sure, thanks! Do you want any help making them?"
"No I'm good you can just sit with Sava if you want,"
"She's gonna ask a lot of questions though!" He said with a smile.

After being questioned about almost every aspect of his life Fred said he was done with all 3 grilled cheeses,
"I thought you had another sister? Was he name Elle?"
"Oh it's Ella, and yeah she-" he was cut off by Savannah,
"Ella is at her friend's house right now, she doesn't wanna be with us," she said with a pouty face,
"You know it's not because of that, Ella just wants to hangout with her little boyfriend, I thought you liked Johnny?"
"I do like him, that's why I'm mad why can't she ever bring him around here!"
"She doesn't want dad to see!" Hunter chuckled at their back and forth,
"How old is Ella?" Hunter wondered because he thought she wasn't at dating age yet,
"She's 13,"
"Oh I thought she was like Savannah's age or younger!"
"No of course she's older," Savannah chimed in again.

Bathroom "Buddies"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora