On Thin Ice

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Hunter put on his nike shirt and shorts and then threw on some basic tennis shoes because he knew he'd have to change out of them. He put some bandaids on his ankles so he wouldn't get blisters and then headed out the door.

Fred put on some sweatpants and a graphic tee, some vans, gelled his hair and was ready. He texted Ellie, I'm heading out, I love you bye.

Meanwhile Hunter was on the phone with Tori;
"Hey Tori,"
"Hey sweets!"
"So I needed to talk to you about something."
"What about? Is it bad?"
"Uh yeah so I kinda think we should break up."
"What why? Did I do something?" Hunter was surprised by how calm she was.
"I just kinda am going through something and I think I need some time to figure it out."
"Okay I totally get that, thank you for letting me know."
"No problem, thank you for everything." He hung up the phone.

Once at the skating rink he sat down and waited for Fred after buying their tickets. Fred walked in and saw Hunter. Their eyes locked and they walked towards each other.
"Let's go get skates," Hunter said,
"Actually can you meet me in the bathroom first?" Hunter was confused but followed.
Once in the bathroom Fred pulled Hunter into one of the tight stalls. He pulled him closed and pressed his lips against Hunter's. He tried so slip his tongue into Hunter's mouth and Hunter pushed him back a little. Fred was confused but just kept making out with him without the tongue. Hunter kept backing up until he was against a wall. He finally managed to get some words out,
"Hey Fred could we go a little slower I'm just kinda new to this and I think it's a little much for me right now."
"Yeah sure I guess."
"Maybe we could just skate for right now?"
"Sure." Fred looked annoyed but Hunter was glad he'd wait for him.

Bathroom "Buddies"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora