•Chapter Twelve•

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•Chapter Twelve: Good Jack•

* I was really excited about how I did today at my sport thing so I decided to type this up real quick! Hope it's still good since it only took like 2 hours to write!*


The next morning is pretty uneventful. For once, Emma isn't hanging out with her "boyfriend" (cue the frustrated look on my face) and instead she's just in her room. It's nice not to have to worry about her and what she's doing for once.

Hiccup texts me in the middle of my ten o' clock breakfast of some bland cereal.

Are you busy? I need help...

Oh boy. I should be the last person anyone asks for the kind of advice I think he wants. I think I kind of failed at the how-to-get-the-girl thing.

Wouldn't you get better help with Kristoff or Eugene?

Both on dates.

Of course. I guess I'll be right over then

It's way too early for this stuff. But I'm a good best friend, so I can do this. "Hey, Em! I'm gonna head to hiccups for a little bit! You good?"

At first I don't think she hears me, because there's no response. After a few seconds, however, she calls out. "Yeah. Bye!"

For the first time all day, I start to wonder if she's okay. Emma hasn't said more than two words and I haven't seen her leave her room.

I slip over and slide her door open. Emma's sitting on her bed reading a book. She's laying upside down with her legs up against her bright yellow wall.

"You okay?" I sit next to her with my best concerned big brother look on my face. I may be the king of jokes and fun, but I'm not too shabby at being an awesome brother either.

As soon as I hit the bed, Emma closes her book and looks at me. "Yeah I'm just not feeling well." She sighs.

I bolt off the bed. "Don't sit like that!! You'll get a headache!"

Emma rolls her eyes but does as she's told. I immediately put my hand on her forehead. I don't know what this does; maybe it comforts them... To be honest, I'm not very good at dealing with sick people. I usually just panic and hope someone else shows up.

"You're feeling a bit warm. Do you feel nauseous at all? I think we have medicine somewhere. Probably one of those old cabinets. Maybe I should call mom? No, she'd kill me if she's busy. I should probably cancel with Hiccup and stay home to help you. I can try to make you soup or something! Let me text hiccup real quick and-"

"Jack! I'm fine. Go help Hiccup; I can take care of myself."

I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. I don't want to just leave her alone but Hiccup needs me too. And she is twelve years old... But then Hiccup's eighteen. For some reason, I think the adult needs my help more than the child.

"Okay, but we're going for a walk when I get back. I think fresh air is supposed to be good. Unless you're feeling lightheaded; then you should probably lie down. But that's what you're doing. You're not feeling lightheaded, are you? Do you need anything before I go? Is there anything I can do? Just one call and I'll be back in two seconds."

Emma giggles. "Jack?"

I frown. "Yeah?"

"Go away."

After just a few more minutes of pestering Emma, I go to Hiccup's house. He looks awful; I think he combed his hair. Knowing hiccup and his uncombable hair, this is not good.

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