•Chapter Twenty-One•

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•Chapter Twenty-One: The Proposal•


It was finally the day. In less than two hours, I was going to propose to Rapunzel. The ring box felt heavy in my pocket. The lantern showing was a more formal event, so I was wearing a white suit with a maroon tie. Elsa insisted I wear this instead of the black suit and blue tie; she thought Punzie would like this combination better. She is an artist, after all.

I couldn't help being nervous. Yesterday, I had tried to send her the invitation by carrier pigeons, because how awesome is that, but it didn't work so well. When the carrier rooster arrived at her door, I thought she was going to burst from laughing so hard; it was adorable. But she agreed to go, despite the awkward invitation.

"Are you ready?" Elsa asks, tightening my tie. She had been over all day, trying to calm my nerves; really, Elsa had been here ever since I told her my plans. I feel bad, because I know she has better things to do.

"Ready as I'll ever be, I guess." I smile. The plan is for me to pick up Punzie and meet everyone else there.

"I'll see you there." Elsa gives me an encouraging smile before starting to leave. "Hey, don't forget to breathe, okay?"

"Don't think I'm about to let a pretty girl make me nervous." I give my best attempt at a wink, but Elsa isn't fooled. "See you in a couple minutes."

"Milady." I reach my hand out for Rapunzel's. She smiles and takes it with a giggle.

"I'm glad it's you this time and not a rooster." She says. It makes me falter; I was hoping she wouldn't bring it up.

It's more of a struggle than it should be to find my humor. "Don't get your hopes up; it's only nine o' clock."

Punzie laughs again and lifts up the skirt of her dress. I wonder if it's any coincidence that her maroon dress matches my tie. Probably not.

We arrive at the lake and see everyone already waiting for us. I hope she doesn't notice the camera Elsa is subtly holding. Everyone is laughing and talking; it's hard to hide my grin because none of them know what is really going on. We join in easily on their conversations. A few minutes later, I check my watch.

"We only have a few minutes before the lantern show, what do you say we get to the boats?" Everyone agrees excitedly and we get to the boats, making sure to grab a lantern first.

I lead Rapunzel to the best one, dark mahogany carved with these swirly designs.

"Wow. This is beautiful, Eugene." Rapunzel walks to the end of the boat, careful not to fall in.

"I'm glad you like it. I mean, I know this happens every year, but we've never seen it like this. Figured it was a good time to have the best view."

Rapunzel smiles, but doesn't say anything. She admires the stars that are rapidly popping out, while I watch her. She can probably feel me watching her, but I can't look away. Rapunzel turns down to look at the reflection in the water. Her eyes go from the stars to us, and I finally look down with her, first kissing her cheek. It's easy to laugh at her slight surprise.

Her green eyes widen as the leading lantern takes off. She laughs as the lantern glides across the lake, followed by others lifting their lanterns. Finally, she looks back at me. I could melt at the way she's smiling. I take the lanterns we brought and hand one to her. We let them take off at the same time, watching as they swirl around each other in the air.

Rapunzel turns her back to me, and I glance at Elsa. Jack is saying something to her, but of course she's ready. I take a deep breath; here we go.

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