•Chapter Sixteen•

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•Chapter Sixteen: Friends and More Than•


I hurriedly text Anna so as not to leave Jack waiting. It's hard not to feel excited to finally fix all of our damage of the year.

Of course, Anna texts back lightning fast demanding details. There's nothing I can really say though, so I just tell her I'll see her in a few hours.

Jack is waiting patiently when I finally get downstairs. I try to ignore how much he perks up when he sees me.

"So what kind of sandwiches do you like?" He has one of those teasing grins on and it almost worries me.

"Whatever you can't ruin," I say returning a grin. It's surprisingly easy to tease him again; as if this entire year never happened.

"Hey! I'll have you know I am a master at all sandwiches," Jack claims. I raise an eyebrow in disbelief and his grin twitches. "Just to prove it, I will make you the best grilled cheese you have ever had!"

Before I can argue, Jack starts grabbing different things from the cabinets. At least the kitchen is pretty familiar to me; since I was here for that cake. Jack keeps glancing at me with his infamous smirk. For some reason, seeing his smirk actually calms me. I guess it's also pretty familiar, and it proves that things are normal between us for once.

"Now, you're gonna have to close your eyes because this is a huge family secret and I can't have you knowing about it." Jack teases.

"Ah, you're family is definitely one of a kind if you have a family recipe for a sandwich." I haven't stopped smiling this whole time.

"Hmm," He walks over to me, grabbing my hands. A strange little shock runs through me and I have to look down to hide my blush. "Not just any sandwich."

He takes my hands and puts them over my eyes so I can't see anything. It takes me a minute to realize what just happened, and by then I can tell he's back to the other side of the kitchen. We sit in silence for a while and the only noise is the sound of him probably making a mess.

"Can I open them yet?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm done!" Jack sets something in front of me. I open my eyes to see the most generic grilled cheese ever.

"Wow, this is impressive! I can see how it's a family secret now." I joke.

"Just wait until you try it; it's hard to believe, but it gets better!" Jack sits down next to me and begins to eat his sandwich.

I take a bite of mine. Just as I thought: a perfectly generic sandwich. But at least it's edible! "Okay, I admit it: I underestimated your sandwich making."

Jack smiles, but doesn't say anything. We continue to eat in silence, staring out the giant window. It's a comfortable silence; one that matches the soft weather outside. Jamie and Emma are sitting in the shade at the far corner of the backyard and it actually makes me frown.

"Is something wrong?" Jack asks. I turn my attention to him and his eyebrows are knit with concern.

"No, I was just watching Jamie and Emma."

Jack looks at them and smirks, but he looks like he's thinking of something completely different. "Funny how fast they became friends."

I sigh. "I feel really bad. Jamie's going home in just a few weeks, and they'll probably never see each other again."

"Oh." Jack's smirk falls. "Do they know?"

"I don't think so," I say, shaking my head.

There's a moment of silence as we watch them laughing together. Suddenly, Jack gets up and takes our plates. I don't really notice until he taps my forehead lightly.

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