•Chapter Seventeen•

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•Chapter Seventeen: Making Up•

The next day, I get a call from Jack almost as soon as I wake up. It's only 8:00, so I don't know why he's calling me. I can't see him as a morning person at all.

"Hello?" I ask, trying not to sound sleepy.

"Good morning! I didn't wake you up, right?" Jack sounds way too hyper.

"No, I've been up for a while," I stifle a yawn before continuing, "Do you need something?"

"I promised Emma I'd take her to that street carnival today. Will you come with me? I'm sure Jamie will be there too." Jack says. I forgot that we're having a carnival all week for the Fourth of July.

"You couldn't have just sent a text?" I mumble under my breath. The sun peeks out from my window, so I finally get out of bed and open the curtains. Light pours into my tidy, baby blue room.


"Nothing! Of course I'll go! What about everyone else?" I don't want this to be awkward. And knowing how the whole year has been, it probably will be.

"I'll send a group text out!" There's a pause, and I try not to argue that he should have just done that in the first place.

"Okay, I need to go. Talk to you later?"

Jack sounds distracted. "Yeah! Bye."

Once we hang up, I choose what to wear. It's supposed to be extremely hot today, with almost no clouds or breeze at all. After at least ten minutes, I finally decide on a pair of white shorts and an arctic blue shirt that hangs off one of my shoulders. Thankfully, I have some matching sandals that are perfectly comfortable for walking in all day.

After getting ready, I notice my phone has gotten at least five texts. The first one is from Jack, who apparently included me in the group text.

Sorry, Eugene and I have plans already! Rapunzel's text makes me sigh.

Hiccup's isn't much better. Sorry but I can't either. Chess Tournament

Yeah sorry, last minute hockey game! Kristoff texts. Seriously?

Eugene texts, Yeah what Punzie said. Sorry guys!

The last one is from Jamie, which is a bit more surprising. But not much. Can I go to that street carnival thing with Emma today?

I immediately text him back my approval. Merida and Anna haven't said anything. I know for sure Anna can go because she was talking to me last night about how we should do something today.

Once I head downstairs, I quickly eat breakfast. It doesn't take long to realize that the house is way too quiet. Anna isn't here...? As if reading my mind, There's a ping from my phone.

Sorry, I can't either! Have fun though!!!

Oh so now you're busy? But I guess if Kristoff has a hockey game... She's probably going to that. Merida still hasn't responded, but I'm guessing she's not going. The only thing more awkward than being with Jack is being with Jack and Merida.

Jack calls me within minutes of Anna's text. "So do you want me to pick you up or should I meet you there?"

I think for a moment, watching Jamie scramble around the house. "I'll just meet you there."

"Okay sounds great! I'll see you in a few minutes."

We both hang up. It takes a couple more minutes for Jamie to get ready, which is kinda surprising, but I guess he wants to look his best. Eventually, we get in the car and drive to the street carnival. They closed two whole streets of the city for this thing, and now I see why. Hundreds of people of all ages are in lines for food, games, and rides that completely cover the area. There are about five hundred different smells wafting around, and that plus all the spinning rides make me feel a little light headed.

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