•Chapter Nineteen•

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•Chapter Eighteen 1/2: Fireworks•

Thank you for all of your ideas! It helped a ton! I promised you all a firework scene, so I'm going to add it to this chapter, but it will probably be really short. I apologize ahead of time. Hope you enjoy!


After the ice cream incident, Jack and I catch up to the others. We all walk around to wait for the fireworks until we hear about a color throw on Main St. Merida has never been to one, so Hiccup suggests we go to that. It's already full of people by the time we get there. We all buy some of the chalk, but, naturally, the colors are just red, white, and blue.

"Am I going to have to buy another shirt after this?" Jack complains. "Or, like, a wig? Because, I have white hair; not sure how well this is going to go."

Picturing Jack with a wig makes me laugh. "I guess we'll find out."

A few minutes pass while we wait for it to start. Finally, we can all throw the chalk. Colors go everywhere and I can't see two feet in front of me. I hear Merida shriek, though, and Hiccup laugh in response. Once all the colors are thrown, I'm stuck in a cloud of reds, blues, and whites. It doesn't take long to realize I can't see anyone, so I start walking around hoping to run into someone.

"Jack?" I yell amidst the noise. Immediately after I call out, I run into a figure. A familiar hand grabs mine and I relax. Another minute passes and I can finally see again, Jack being the first thing.

"Careful, Els. We don't want to get separated in the crowd!" Jack says, glancing around for the others. I nod and tighten my hold on his hand. That's the hard thing about the color throw: it's so full of people and colors, it can be pretty easy to get lost. Jack pulls me around a few people until we're back to where the others are.

Merida is still laughing with wide eyes. "That was so fun! I can't believe I haven't done that before!"

Before she can say anything else, Hiccup kisses her. I don't think either of them are used to the whole thing, because she's pretty surprised. He pulls away blushing.

Eugene rolls his eyes. "I just can't get away from it, can I? First Jack and Elsa, now you guys? Come on!"

I try my best to ignore that second sentence, but I know my face is probably completely scarlet. In response to Eugene, Punzie kisses his cheek.

It's finally dark enough to watch the fireworks, so we head to our perfect viewpoint. It's this flat point on a mountain that overlooks the city. No one ever comes here, so it's nice and peaceful. Some people have already started fireworks, but the big ones are just about to begin. We set up the blankets and everything. Everyone sits down just as the sky is lit up with a giant red firework. The unexpected 'boom' makes me jump, backing up into Jack.

Jack laughs, slipping an arm 'protectively' around my waist. "Don't tell me you're scared of fireworks?"

"N-No. Of course I'm not!" I give him a sharp look and he lets go of me so we can sit down. "I just wasn't expecting that one."

He smirks, but doesn't argue. We sit in silence and watch the fireworks. My favorites are the blue and gold ones that shoot into the air and then fizzle like sparklers. Jack's favorite is the giant ones that somehow manage to form the American Flag.

"Jack look at those ones!" I try to whisper, pointing to ones around the corner. They're barely visible around the mountain, but they're really pretty.

"Where?" Jack asks. He leans around to see them.

"Come on!" I take his hand excitedly and walk briskly to the other side. I don't want to miss them, so I basically pull Jack along.

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