1- Rescue

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I climbed out of my bedroom closet holding my arm up so it wouldn't flow onto the floor.  I reached under mine and my sister, Rylee's bed and took out the medical kit and cleaned up the cut my father made with his bottle.

"Fuck" I quietly whispered. Don't ask how a ten year old knows those words. I hear them all the time in phrases like "Your a fucking disgrace on this family name" or "your fucking useless".

I started cleaning up the cut. It looks like it needs stitches but I don't know how to stitch. It will probably leave a scar. At least I'll look tough.

"Kitkat are you okay?" My little sister, Rylee asked with her shows playing in the background off of her ipad. I quickly put superglue on the cut and let it dry then put the gauze on it and pulled my sleeve down.

"Yeah Ry I'm alright. Don't worry. How about you put your headphones on? I have homework I need to do" I lied.

"Did Daddy hit you?" She asked as she took out her headphones and plugged them into the ipad.

I'm not gonna explain to a six year old that a ten year old child thats her sister gets beat up by her stepfather. I walked over to our desk and entered in my friends phone number.

"No no. I accidently got cut with something at school. I'm alright, munchkin." I lied again.

I hate lying to her about things. It hurts so much that I have to lie to her to keep her safe. I fucking hate it. So much.

I looked over at her again and saw her with her headphones on and plugged into the tablet. I hit the call button and listened to the phone ring till it stopped.

"Hello Cassanova...Jones residence this is CJ. Sorry its habit" The person on the other line's voice shot from the speaker.

"Hey CJ this is Kat. He did it again." I sighed.

"Alright. i'll be over in five I'm at the orchard right now hanging with some friends"

I heard a noise downstairs then a shout and flinched. Then dad hollered.

"Kathy Get your ass down here! Pronto you little shit!" He shouted.

"alright. I gotta go. Just come through the door its unlocked." I said and hung up the phone then went downstairs and was shoved into the corner of the room.

"What did I say about staying out of my way?!? Your shoes were next to the door they are supposed to be up in your room!" My father shouted.

"I'm sorry sir. I won't do it again" I whispered back and backed farther I to the corner as he walked closer. I looked around for something and spotted his prized collection of liquor he has on the table and looked at the half empty Jack Daniels bottle.

He picked up the bat next to him and raised it.

"Yeah you won't you filthy slut! I'll make sure of it" He snarled as he walked closer to me.

I grabbed the Jack Daniels bottle and he froze and started shouting at me to put it down.

"Drop it Kathy! Now! Put it down where you found it and there better not be a scratch!" He barked.

I started panicking and just held tightly onto the bottle, keeping my eyes on him. I heard the noise of a door opening and just stood there.

"I don't think that a parent should care more about alcohol than their child. Maybe you should have a rest and sit down." I heard a voice say and I shut my eyes and gripped onto the bottle for dear life.

"One wrong move. One wrong move and it's my name on a headstone. That's if I even get buried and not dumped in the river or something and marked as an unsolved case some single ladies will solve on a podcast" I thought and gripped onto the bottle tighter as if it was gonna turn to ash and fall between my fingers.

I didn't open my eyes until I felt the floor shake from someone falling. I quickly opened my eyes and looked around. I saw the person who I call my father laying on the ground and a chair next to him.

"Hey Kathy. Are you alright? Sorry about your old man. He worked himself too hard and needed a little rest" CJ grinned. I set the bottle down and ran over to him careful of the unconscious bastard on the floor.

"Yeah. You saved me. Thank you Corey. So much." I whispered and hugged him tightly.

City Girl- K. WinstonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora