9- cooler with him Pt 1

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We ran to a local skate park and he pulled a skateboard out of his backpack then jumped on it and skated into the "rink" area.

Now I don't know about skating that much but it's fucking cool. And honestly, it makes him even cuter. I mean who doesn't like a curly haired funny cute guy? He's so fucking handsome and sweet I swear on my life that this man has a heart of twenty four Karat gold. But who am I to ask? Because I don't love people like that. Not me nope. Besides, he's just a guy I met not even four hours ago. Besides, I won't fall for him.

Clearly I was wrong because when I was sitting on top of the fence watching  Axel skate while holding his backpack on my back, Someone came up behind me and yanked it and I ended up falling off the fence. And it was at least a four foot drop and it hurt.

I looked up at whoever pulled me down and once my vision focused I saw it was a guy dressed in fancy clothing. He smirked then yanked me up. I winced as he grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Hey doll face. How ya doing?" he asked with a mischievous grin "you know Winston, you shouldn't sit up on high places. you're not meant to be looking down on us."

I shook as all of the possibilities of the things this guy could do flew through my head. The main ones were beating me and shipping me back to New York .

I just stood there shaking and looking down till they started shoving me around. I tried shoving them back and I ended up walking back through the skate area and slipped falling into the concrete dip for skating and I screamed as I fell thinking I would crack my skull open and bleed out into the concrete.

I stopped falling and was now deciding whether I should open my recently closed eyes to see the gates of hell.

I'm not an Angel. I'll be honest about that. There's been too many things I've done. You guys barely know the bare minimum of my life . I may not believe in god but we've gotta go somewhere when we die and that's either heaven or hell.

I opened my eyes and I saw a face looking over me and I almost panicked but then I realized it was Axel. And he was holding me. My face heated up and he just grinned.

"Damn lady are you falling for me or something?" He joked and I blushed more and covered my face. He must've thought he did something wrong though so he changed the subject.

"Are you okay? That was kinda high where ya fell from. Why were you even that close to this anyway? It's a big drop?" He asked wanting to know what was going on and he looked at me in concern

I nodded then spoke "y-yeah I got shoved in here by a bunch of well dressed assholes and I lost my footing backing away from them. Thank you for catching me"

"No problem" he said then shook his head and muttered something about socs which I'll have to ask Dallas later and after he set me down we then walked out of the skate area and the guys followed us. We tried shaking them off but they kept following us.

City Girl- K. WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now