3- Soup

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I opened my eyes and the sun shined into them. I felt the train jolt to a stop and felt Rylee stir. She fell asleep before me on the train. I didn't bother to wake her up though.  I looked at my surroundings and saw that I was on the RiverLINE  that runs through New Jersey and we were at the aquarium in Camden. I forgot we switched trains in the middle of the night a few times.

Rylee woke up and we both got up grabbing our bags.

Rylee yawned and looked around as we stepped onto the platform.

"Kat? Why are we near the aquarium? The ballet studio isn't near there. And why does that sign say Campbell like Campbell soup?" Rylee asked.

I put on a pair of pickpocketed sunglasses then responded to her questions. "Rylee, I know it isn't near there. We aren't in New York anymore. The sign doesn't say Campbell, it says Camden. Good job trying to read it though.

Welcome to Camden, New Jersey my beautiful sister. We are gonna crash here for a bit. We'll find a place to stay. I might know a person here but just stay close and keep your guard up." I said and pickpocketed a knife off of someone as we passed through the crowds on the platform.

Rylee and I walked around town till we found a place to crash. It was an abandoned house around the corner from a gas station and a gym in a neighborhood of run down houses. 

We climbed through the hole in the gate of the trespassing barriers and I pried the boards off of the shattered out window. I lifted Rylee up and into the window then climbed through the window and fixed the curtains a bit to let light in but not any eyes. I looked around and spotted a teenager around seventeen sleeping on the couch. This must've been an eviction house or something. It looks pretty tidy.

I was grabbed and pulled into another room by someone. I looked at them and the girl who was sleeping on the couch had Rylee right next to me. I was let go immediately after along with Rylee.

"Courtney, who the hell are these kids?" The guy that grabbed me hollered.

The person who I assumed was Courtney cleared her throat and spoke up. "Dad I honestly don't fucking have a clue either. They don't look like they are from around here though. That's for sure." She said and turned to us.

"Okay girls, welcome to the family.  I'm Courtney. That guy is Joe, my dad and a few of our gang members are upstairs or playing pool in the basement. What are your names?" Courtney asked

I pointed to Rylee. "That's Rylee and I'm..."

I hesitated for a second and thought. I don't want to be Kathy anymore. I'm not Kathy, Kathy was the little bitch I was. Not who I want to become or need to become to survive. The perfect name came to mind.

"Kat. Yeah, call me Kat. We are from New York but left there due to some complications. Home life and just a shitty town." I smiled. "Nice to meet you both"

Courtney smiled and gave me and Rylee a hug. "Well Kat and Rylee welcome to your new home. There's a lot that's gonna happen so why don't  you guys sit down? Find a seat and take it if nobody is in it. It was probably a long trip for you both."

I nodded. "Okay.  Thank you Courtney. I appreciate this. A lot."

Rylee and I went and sat on the couch and Courtney started explaining everything to us. Mostly me though since I was the older one. Little did I know how much change was gonna happen.

City Girl- K. WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now