6- Darts and Dax

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I woke up to Dallas and Rylee making all sorts of rukus

"Hey hey Ry! Watch this!" Dal practically hollered as he shot a nerf gun in the air at the ceiling above the bed. It stuck to the ceiling since he decided to rig it and put a thumbtack on it.  I groaned and rolled over to the other side of the bed where they weren't shooting the nerf guns and started to fall asleep.

I woke up again to a stabbing pain in my leg and a squeak of a curse word from my Rylee.

I shot up wincing and cursing worse than a sailor profanities flying out of my mouth like a angry nest of bees.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE SON OF A BITCH" I said grabbing onto my leg. I ripped the nerf bullet off but it left the thumbtack still there. I glared around the room and i saw long brunette hair sticking out from behind dallas along with a look of dissapointment from him.

I looked at my two siblings really pissed off "Alright! Who the fuck woke me up by shooting a fuckin Nerf bullet with a thumbtack into my leg?!" i barked.

I heard little feet shuffle a bit from behind Dally and saw a shaking teary eyed Rylee. " i-i did." She squeaked trying to be brave and show me that she isn't scared.

Rylee was always a bit sensitive when she was younger. Thats just who she was. A shy and quiet little girl.

I opened my mouth to say something and Dal spoke over me.

"Kat cool it. She didn't realize it and was being goofy. So before you run your motor mouth you should really cool it." he said

I just glared at him and ripped the thumbtack out of my leg then got up and walked to the bathroom with blood dripping from my leg. I opened the door and saw a kid passed out with the smell of alcohol filling the bathroom. I was unphased by the smell and grabbed a bandage and stuck it on the puncture in my leg then i smirked and poured cold water on top of him.

The kid jumped up frightened and kicked me. I shoved him to the wall.

"what the hell!" he said irritatedly

I glared at him "well its morning and you were dead asleep and the place.. And you smell like alcohol. And i don't think your eighteen yet you look what maybe fourteen. Get up and get out. Theres one bathroom that i know of and im not taking any chances"

He groaned "fine fine whatever. Also i should probably introduce myself. I'm Dax. Dax Shepard brother of Tim Shepard. Some ass spilled their beer on me while i was playing pool last night and then i got in a fight and came in here to clean up. And then i fell asleep" he said innocently

Dal started hollering for me to make sure I was alright and walked in the bathroom all red in the face. He then proceeded to grab me and shove Dax. "Shepard lay off my sister. I mean it. And also Kat your gonna explain this whatever" he says in a stern tone. I tensed up a bit and kept my mouth shut yet I really would've liked to shout at him for his accusations.

Rylee walked over towards us all and stood there wide eyed and then grinned ear to ear "OOOO KAT HAS A NEW BOYFRIENDDDD"

Dal looked over at Rylee "a new boyfriend?" he queried

"yea" Rylee giggled "she was dating Corey Jones down the street but then we left and didn't see him ever again." she blabbed and Dally looked at me

"Yeah i did for a bit date him but he's an ass. I dont know what happened to the twins or anyone else that was there. I had to get up and get out. And i grabbed rylee. The old man was beating on me. I had to get us out. So yeah i did. Rylee shut up and Dallas im not gonna hook up with some kid i just met especially not him. No offence dax" i say and shrug

Dal just stands there and laughs while rylee is just staring and looks zoned out.

Dax snickered "I wouldn't wanna date her either Dal. I barely know who the hell she is. Besides i don't think I'm into girls. But don't tell anyone that. I don't need word getting out. So yeah." he shrugged.

"alright good i wouldn't want you hitting on my sister anyway." Dal stated and yawned "Shepard you can take the girls out for a walk around town. Introduce them to people we both trust. Alright? Alright now get the hell out of the bathroom all of you so i can get a fuckin shower before Buck uses up all the hot water. Get out get out!" he hollers and shoves everyone out of the bathroom.

"well shit. Ol' Dal is  still going after Buck like that." Dax says again chuckling. Rylee and I giggle.

Rylee tugs on my sleeve and i crouch down to hear what she says.

"Can we go get changed now? The AC is cold on my legs and this nightgown is for when its hotter out" she whispers in my ear

I giggle "Sure RyRy lets get you dressed up for going out. Dax can go wait downstairs for us and we can head out after."

Dax gets the cue and goes downstairs probably to go bug someone. Rylee and i go and get changed for going out into the heat. She starts talking to me about all sorts of things.

"Kat, we should see if we can go to the park! They're holding a carshow and they have all sorts of snacks. And candy!" she giggles while jumping around on Dallys bed. I can't help but laugh as she's just giggling and jumping around while I get dressed.

"and there's gonna be a drag race! I dont exactly know what those are but its a race! And there's gonna be all sorts of fun things. Like bounce houses! Im so excited. can we go please kat?! I'm excited to go see this town and maybe meet new people!" She says and flops on the bed catching her breath

"sure we can you little jumping bean ! We'll see what Dax has in store and then after we'll look around ourselves" I smile.

"Okay!" She screamed and started dragging me out of the room we've been sharing with Dally since last night.

I'm glad my little sister is happy. She's like a little lightbulb in a dark room. And when she grew up, she was the same way just in different ways. I'm glad she's excited to be here. I hope that maybe we will get lucky and won't have to leave again. Tulsa seems like a place I want to settle for a while.

City Girl- K. WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now