10- Cooler with him pt 2

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I threw Axel's bag to the side and took off my hoodie so it wouldn't get in the way, throwing it on top of  his bag. Axel looked at me like I was fucking nuts. I mean it depends on who you ask but I'm pretty sure my head is screwed on right.

The boys started inching towards us. Two against four. I recognized one of them and one of the others looked familiar then there were two random guys with them.

I grabbed the smallest guy by the arm and twisted it then sent him behind me, officially starting the fight.

"Kat what the fuck!" Axel hollered out then got charged at by a guy which he held off pretty well. I started watching him a bit, forgetting that I was in a fight as well. I got punched in the face and I stumbled a bit then grabbed the guy by the arm and I realized it was the guy who shoved me. He grabbed onto me and we stood there trying to send punches at each other but we kept blocking the blow sent by our opponent.

"I don't know Axel, I'm sorry though!" I said looking over again. I got shoved down to the ground so I reached in my pocket and pulled out a blade pointing it straight at the guy who was about to get in my face. He backed off and all his boys ran after hearing sirens. I laid there for a few minutes catching my breath.

Axel pulled me up and grabbed his bag and my hoodie and we started running. Of course my dumbass didn't realize that soc was playing dirty and tied my shoelaces together and I tripped with Axel colliding into me so we just laid there as the police cars surrounded us. Turns out we were fighting in a park right next to the police station. Lucky us. Axel was pulled up, cuffed and thrown into the car and then I was cuffed as well but I struggled so they just chucked me into the back seat And started driving. I looked down at my feet and we sat in silence on the ride till Axel and I were out in a holding cell together.

"You really had to go fighting them, didn't ya when we were in their territory?"  Axel said and laughed. He didn't seem mad at me for this. I didn't understand why.

"We'll yeah the one guy was being a creep. He grabbed me at the park and was the one that shoved me." I shrugged it off trying not to show I was upset mostly because I dragged him into my fight and slid my hands under myself pulling my legs through the gap left for my arms so the handcuffs were now in front of me. I sat there twiddling my thumbs.

Axel decided it was a good time to try to pull the stunt I pulled a couple of times before and he busted his ass on the concrete floor falling off the bench. Him and I were lucky it's just us two in a holding together.

I sat there and rested my eyes laying down on the bench. There were two benches parallel to each other in the cell so I only took up one.

As I slept, memories of my ex boyfriend came rushing into my brain. I'm guessing my brain picked one and decided to play it as a dream. Lucky me.

It was summer and I was at the park with my boyfriend at the time, Corey. I didn't want to be there but Corey wasn't one to take the word "no" easily. We both had bought stuff from the ice cream truck. He got a chocolate cone with chocolate Jimmies on it and I got a two ball screwball which doubled as an ice pack for my recently bruised eye.  It was a "baseball accident".

Yeah more like me getting slapped around by Corey because I couldn't get him two hundred bucks in the span of three hours. All I remember was being curled up in a basement of the "gang" I was once in getting kicked and punched. Corey really should've not been hanging out with People like them .

Corey grabbed my wrist under the picnic table and squeezed it tightly after I was trying to talk to my brother who was sitting across from us concerned about my eye because he caught us here.

"Listen Kathy stop trying to hide it from me and just tell me about your eye" Cj said trying to get me to tell him the truth. Corey squeezed my arm tightly as I started telling him the fake story trying not to wince so CJ won't think there's something wrong.

"Corey and I were playing ball and I took a baseball to the eye!" I shouted mostly because I was being pressured and was in pain.

"Kat I swear to god if you don't wake up and realize how stupid that sounds I'm gonna slap you" he said and groaned.

"Wake up?" I asked.

This.. This part isn't part of the memory. And it wasn't a two ball screwball it was a SpongeBob ice pop. And I got a cup of ice from a Wawa for my eye

"Yeah wake up" CJ said and his voice was distorted almost.

I sat up panting heavily. I was at the jail still and I saw Axel hovering over me

"Oh good, you're awake. Let's go." Callie, Axel's sister, called out. I rolled my eyes and got up the officer uncuffing me and Axel and I walked out of the cell.

"That dream must've been pretty intense," Axel said and shrugged.

"Yeah. I guess you could say that. It was a bad dream that wasn't anything nice." I said and touched my eye, wincing. Rece ran over and grabbed my face and examined it "Kat Winston what did you do?" He asked worriedly. I shoved his hand away feeling uncomfortable being A confronted and B shook around like a baby doll.

"I did nothing alright? Now will you let me be so I don't throw someone through a window?" I scoffed and his hands shot up like I just threatened to shoot him.

I wasn't mad, I was just feeling like I was being cornered and interrogated. I mean imagine sticking up for yourself then getting thrown in a jail cell with a guy you only met hours ago who is innocent, embarrassing yourself in front of him with a nightmare then its a whole family gathering inside of the cell. You can't blame me for it.

We all walked out of the station and went back to the house since the car show thing was over. Rylee disappeared to god knows where and probably back home having someone bring her back and I just chilled at the Curtis house till it was late and I walked home

City Girl- K. WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now