4-Ride to Survive

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*three years later, September 16th, Kat is twelve, her birthday in a month*

I climbed out of my sleeping bag and saw Rylee was still asleep. I quietly got dressed and took care of everything I needed to then met with Courtney outside at the old ass Camaro in the lot across the street.

Courtney smiled and gave me a hug. "Happy leaving day! It's officially been two years since you fled that hell hole. You would be thirteen now."

I smiled. "Yeah Court I get it, I'm thirteen years old now because I was ten when I came here and didn't want to share anything about my birthday so you made it my unofficial birthday. So that means you are gonna teach me how to drive now right? You said you wanted me out here to learn how since we are gonna do a little 'shopping' later"

Courtney nodded her head. "Yes ma'am that's what I plan. You and me and Rylee the three girls go out and get some things to celebrate" She said and chucked the keys at me. I caught them and ran to the driver's side and hopped in the car.

Court got in the passenger side and started instructing but I already knew what to do since she's been teaching me since day one. Today is just the day I get to physically drive.

"Can I pull it out of the park now?" I asked and put my foot on the brake pedal getting ready to shift into Neutral and it touched the floor the second I put my foot on it. I automatically took the keys out and handed them to Courtney , knowing something was wrong. The brake shouldn't slam straight down when I put light pressure on it.

"Wait, why do you not want to drive anymore? The thing was totally fine you were doing great" Courtney asked

I knew that she was trying to start something. I never did one hundred percent trust her or her boyfriend who works on our cars.

"I'll wait till later, Court. I don't wanna ruin it for me." I lied and got out of the car and went back to the house and packed up whatever stuff was mine and whatever was Rylee's.

I knew they knew about how I had to drive last heist because the actual driver was shot in the leg and how I almost got Courtney and her boyfriend into trouble with her father. They wanted me out of their way and the easiest way to do this was sabotage.

I shook Rylee awake and she whispered to me. "Morning Kat. What's up?"

"We are leaving. Now. Get up. We are gonna take freight to Tulsa and go see our siblings. A little family reunion treat." I whispered back and grabbed my blade out of my bag "I'm going to the store. Go hide or something." I said and grabbed my bag then went out to the store around the corner. walked in and looked around and saw fireworks and other stupid shit.

I grabbed some premade sandwiches and a box snap it's and went up to the counter, taking the amount due in cash out of my pocket.

The cashier rang up the stuff and I fiddled with the string of my hoodie.

"Okay. Do you have any sort of Identification that says you are if legal age to purchase theseor is your guardian here with you?" The cashier asked with her high pitched costumer service voice, holding up the snap it's

"Identification? What the hell! I swear all I'm trying to do is buy some snap it's!" I grumbled.

She blinked then continued. "Well it's state policy that you must be a legal adult or have a legal adult with you to purchase these."

She set them down on the counter and I grabbed the sandwiches and the pack of snap it's then flipped her off and grinned.

"That's for the fucking state." I said then flipped her off again. "And that's a very 'kind' thank you for your service" I said and ran out the door back to the house with a big grin on my face which dropped when I saw Rylee talking with Courtney about our little thing later.

I grabbed Rylee and brought her back to our room and handed her the bag she had her stuff in.

"Alright, here's the plan. You follow me to the station. We both hop freight and we go to Tulsa for a visit. We might not stay but at least we get to see our siblings again." I said in a low tone. Rylee nodded and I picked up my bag and we both walked out of the house to the loading dock and hopped into an empty train car and hid behind some boxes.

"Now. Why the heck are we running away again?" Rylee asked. I heard the car door shut and then responded to her.

"Courtney is gonna end up trying to kill me for some stupid shit that happened because of her and because I stole some stuff from the store and the cashier got a glance of who I am. We get out of here and ride this cart to Tulsa. It's a one way trip for this load of shiton this train"

Rylee nodded and layed down to take a nap. I stayed up until the light from the sun stopped leaking through the crack in the doorway.

Little did I know that this isn't just only the train's one way trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma.

City Girl- K. WinstonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang