2- Out

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CJ smiled then kissed me on the cheek. "Anything for you, doll"

I smiled back. "Thank you, you can go back with your friends if you want. I have to take care of some things for tomorrow." I lied.

Now Cj on the other hand, I could lie to often. Or at least tried. Him and I were friends then we fell in love and he's been amazing ever since. Well besides his temper and his need to beat things up when something goes the wrong way.  Clearly this relationship went the wrong way. I still have a bruise from when he hit me the other day. Thank god nobody noticed the extra bruise on me. I mean who would? I usually cover up what I can. It was only a small bruise anyway and it wouldn't have mattered.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay, Doll? I don't want you to be here alone with him." Corey asked.

"No I'm fine. Go have fun okay? Tell the boys I said hello and hope they are doing well. I don't want you getting beat up if he wakes up." I said and wiped the sweat off my hands on a clean rag that was lying around.

Corey wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me next to him. "Cmon broad, loosen up and have some fun. You only live once and with that piece of shit in your way you can't." He snapped at me and pulled me closer to him which ended up causing his hip to ram into my side.

I started shaking again. I didn't want him to be mad but I have other plans and I need to get out and leave. I struggled to pull away from him and I heard footsteps come near. Tiny footsteps.

Corey and I turned around and saw Rylee standing there. Corey quickly let go of me and ran over to Rylee and gave her a hug.

"Hey Munchkin. How are you?" he asked her. She hugged him back and responded. "Hi Corny. I'm alright. How about you?"

Cj shrugged his shoulders "I'm doing alright. I just came over to stop by and talk to my favorite girls in the world. My girlfriend and my Girl best friend. I have to head out though now. Bye Rylee bear." He pulled out of the hug and left.

He didn't even acknowledge me when he left. I either pissed him off or he was pissed off to begin with. I'm glad he didn't though. He knew not to be in the middle of me and Rylee. If she heard the things he said to me she would've murdered him. She knows that guys should treat their girls good.

Rylee looked around the room and saw dad on the floor. "Is daddy okay?" She inquired.

"Yeah. He just needed a nap and took his nap on the floor. It's alright Rylee. How about we get ready to go to Ballet? I have some money saved for the train and they said this class that we don't have to dress in our leotards. Just in black clothes. You know dress code for out of outfit." I said and cleaned up whatever was moved or rearranged from the previous incident.

Rylee smiled wide and ran to our room. I walked up to our room behind her but before I did that, I took out money from my fathers wallet and my stepmother's cooler bag.

I followed Rylee into our room and she was already dressed for ballet and watching videos on the IPad again. I took out our dance bags which were big duffel bags and filled them with our clothes. Just not our dance clothes. Streetwear that wouldn't draw attention to us.

I finished packing the bags with the clothes and whatever else we may need from our room and took pictures out of their frames and put them in a folder along with whatever else we would need paperwork wise. I put the folder into a drawstring bag and put it on my back. I was already in black clothes since I planned this.

"Alright Rylee time to go. Mom is working shifts tonight at the hospital and dad still has to go to work and can't take us to dance." I said as I took off Rylee's headphones from her ears.

"Okay. Can you carry my bag? I don't want to today my arm hurts." Rylee whined and put on her sneakers.

"Of course I already planned on it. You were busy day today at school and I wanted to help you out." I smiled and picked up both our bags and put them on my arms.

Rylee got up and went to the living room and waited for me. I went to the kitchen and opened up the cooler bag, filling it with water, sandwiches and snacks. I quickly zipped it up and walked over to Rylee.

Rylee shouted out in joy and ran out the door and I followed her shutting our door and locked it with my key. I put the key in the pocket and smiled. "Onto our next adventure! We are gonna take a new way to dance today." I lied.

Like I said last time, I fucking hate lying to Rylee but I have to do what I have to do to help us get out. I've had enough of being stuck in the house with him or being dragged around by my boyfriend who usually smells like alcohol and being hit by both of them. I need to get away and now is the best chance to. Tickets weren't too expensive at the train station so I booked a train for September sixteenth which turned out to be a day we have dance too so I could use that as a cover.

I wish I didn't have to do this where I take Rylee away from her home and away from her friends but I needed to. I need to do this. For my future and for her future as well. I'm doing this to keep her safe. I could care less if I was stuck in this hell we call home by myself but Rylee might still have chance. My life is too fucked over from people that I'm stuck in the loop. Well now I'm getting out of the loop for her. I'm doing it for her and if I have to, I'd do it again for her.

We got to the train station and handed our tickets to the conductor and found our seats.

"Goodbye Cj. Well now Corey. Goodbye Dad. Good bye stepmother. Goodbye mom. Goodbye my childhood and goodbye New York. I will not miss you if this is how the whole state was." I thought and looked out the window.

The train started moving and we past the exiting sign that read "Now leaving Manhattan, New York. Come back soon!"

Yeah. Many wish I will, sign. Many wish.

City Girl- K. WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now