In Which There is Girl Talk and Gold

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Camila jogged down the hallway, head down. Her hair had been carefully arranged to conceal the newly-formed mark on her neck. She'd stuck two band-aids on top of it and draped a blanket over her shoulders like a cloak.

If anyone asked, she could always say she was cold.

She passed a window looking out over Manaus. The buildings arched their metal backs, stabbing up at the sky above. Behind them, Camila caught a glimpse of the rich blue water of the Amazon river. It stretched its waters like an ocean and she could only catch a faint glimpse of blurry green land on the other side.

She reached room 703. The hallway was empty, desolate. It was before seven in the morning and they were set to leave at noon. Camila imagined the Vindicators were squeezing in a few extra hours of sleep or savoring their last bit of solitude.

Before she could knock, the door swung open.

Zora blinked, scowled, and started to close the door in her face.

"Wait!" Her voice was too loud. Camila's eyes darted around, but she didn't see anyone. "Wait. Zora, I need help."

"It is six am and you're awake. Yes, you do need help."

"Please. Let me come inside and I'll explain."

The witch sighed. She wore a pair of athletic shorts and a rumpled T-shirt. Her bronze hair was frazzled, with one tuft sticking straight up into the air like a unicorn's horn, and every time she blinked, her eyes stayed closed just a split second longer than they should.

"Fine," Zora growled. "You're making me breakfast."

Camila winced, remembering the brigadeiros she and Alex had attempted to make. If it weren't for Alex's steadfast determination to succeed, she doubted the brigadeiros would've been safe to eat. "Maybe I can watch Game of Thrones with you instead?"

"I don't want to watch Game of Thrones at fucking six am. I want to sleep."

"I'm sorry. I swear this is important."

When Zora didn't argue, Camila stepped inside. She found a French press coffee maker in the kitchen and, flashing Zora an apologetic smile, brewed a pot of coffee.

"You know Alex?" Camila asked.

"Coffee first. Talk second." Zora flopped down on the bed. She didn't get back up until Camila had poured a cup of black coffee and brought it over to her.

Zora took a sip and scowled. "You didn't let it brew long enough."

"I'll brew you another pot if you want, but first, I need your help."

"Fine. Get on with it. Tell me this problem that couldn't have waited another hour."

Camila set the blanket down. She peeled the band-aids off, one by one, their sticky residue clinging to her skin.

Zora groaned and buried her face in her hands. "Did you seriously wake me up to tell me you and Declan did the deed?"

"Yeah, that's the thing," Camila sighed. "The mark's not Declan's."

Zora's head snapped up. "Excuse me?"

"It's not Declan's."

"Well. Fuck." Zora groaned. She winced, screwing her face up like she'd just eaten something sour. "Are you trying to break this alliance or just idiotic?"

"In my defense, it was an accident."

Zora sighed and took a sip of her coffee. "I assume it's that fellow Alex? Unless you've got another beau hiding around the corner?"

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