chapter 2

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Katsuki was in the shower as he was getting a quick warm shower as he hum to himself. Angel went into the dorm from Sero as he started making out with her. Katsuki gets out the shower and dried off as he throws in some boxers and he laid in his bed scrolling through instagram. Angel stopped after a while and told every boy that she can't do this anymore. Katsuki was peacefully asleep and all the other boys were sad and upset. Angel walked into her dorm and got ready to sleep. She undid her make-up and changed into a panda onsie.

A few hours later katsuki woke up and walked downstairs to get something to drink and snack on. No one was up since it was the midnight hours. Angel were sitting on the table quietly and ate something. she never really ate so it was a special day or something like that. Katsuki turned around to leave after grabbing some chips and a soda. Angel sighed and started to talk to herself. She didn't even knew that someone else was there. "I'm not hungry... But 4 days without food..." Katsuki heard and he wake din that direction as he raised a brow at Angel. Angel heared foot steps so she quickly look up and saw the good looking and muscular Katsuki. "W-What...?" “who are you talking too?” he asked as he looks around the room a bit confused and puzzled. Angel sighed and looked at her food. "I talk to myself..." “Oh… Well uhh i’ll be going now”. Angel nodded and started to look at her food again. She quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom. Angel threw up all her food. Katsuki walked back upstairs as he sighs softly. He was a bit concerned about angel now. Angel finished and washed her mouth. She just couldn't eat so that she put the food in the fridge and hurried into her room.

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