chapter 6

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Angel finished and yawned, talking to a nurse that I can go. "Can you help me? I'm not allowed to walk for a few days." “Eh?!? why can’t you get a girl to help??” He blinks. Angel whimpered and started crying. It wasn't good for her health to cry because of the water lose. Angel was honestly confusing Katsuki, he had things to do and he couldn’t really just dedicate all his time to her. The nurses helped Angel out of the bed and put her in a wheelchair. They took a computer and the hosepipes with them and went with Angel into her dorm. Katsuki sighs and headed back to the dorms as he goes into his roomAngel got laid in bed and fell asleep right after the nurses left. She was still too weak so a bit sleep could help. Katsuki had to a tu leave for a few days to go back home his grandma was extremely sick.

A few days later. Angel already could walk again but still needed the computers and the food in the bottle. Katsuki hadn’t been to school in a few days and he still hadn’t returned. Angel finally could go to school after a few more days. Katsuki made it back about 2 weeks after and honestly things hadn’t been worst for him. Angel sat in class and drew a picture from her and Katsuki. Katsuki walked in he look extremely bad he had bags under his eyes and he walked slowly. Angel walked to Katsuki and hugged him tightly. "I missed you!" Katsuki looks at him and softly nods “yeah me too..” he mumbled. Angel smiled and cuddled in him. "You don't look good... Wanna go to my dorm and cuddle..?" “Sure” He nods and mumbled Angel took his hand and dragged him into her dorm. he followed quietly as he sighed. Angel smiled brightly and closed the door behind them. Katsuki looks at her as he follows. Angel sat down on her bed and patted the space next to her. Katsuki sits next to her as he sighed heavily.

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