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Mr. Bourban's pov (the teacher)

i never plan all of my seating arrangements at once

i get the one's that are disturbing my class settled and then move onto the rest of the class.

did mr. davidson need to be moved?

definitely not

are either of them failing?


but valory isn't failing because she doesn't get it, i've noticed this about her

she gets bored and zones out missing a lot of important information i'm telling, making her fail

so putting her with someone she knows and is passing the class easily, would be a smart desicion.

yes that is definitely the only reason

do i kind of ship them, as the kids say these days?

yes, i feel like they would be good for eachother

most of the couples in my classes became couples because of sitting together

this will be good for them, let's just hope they can keep focus in class

and mark will bring out the work in her and not the other way around.

oh who cares, i'll switch it if needed.

No one's pov

The rest of the class got seated, the class clown, the it girl, the pick mes, the boyz 🥶, the uwu girls and boys, the discord couple

you know the basic american class students.

finally after everyone was in there newly assigned seats the actual lesson started

∆ ∆ ∆

class has been going on for about 15 minutes

of course valory was already bored

she really tried to take notes but her dyslexia was unbearable today

her dyslexia was mostly mild but some days it felt as if all of her practice had flown out the window

she never had a lot of patience, she tried, she really did, but it was so fucking tiring.

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