Chapter 1; a storm

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Jennie's POV

I was lost in my thoughts as I sat on my office desk, where I always sat reading and signing papers after papers, but today I was spending my time staring out my window.

My office room was situated at the top floor, and by evening the view outside was usually of the bright city lights shining like stars in the otherwise dark city. But today, it was different.

There was a thunderstorm, a massive one. It hadn't stopped raining since yesterday morning and the storm got bad today afternoon, and by now half of the city was blacked out because of power cuts. My room was dim as well, and as I stared at the night sky, I realised how beautiful storms are.

They disrupt the environment, disrupt the regular flow of nature, I consider it as a break from the regular occurrences. But I have always wondered if the destruction was worth the change in the environment? A storm brings about change but it is meant to destruct, is the change in the otherwise regular environment worth it if it causes destruction at the end of the day?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard soft knocks at the door to my cabin.

"Come in"

A small smile crept on my face as the door slowly parted revealing my secretary, and one of my closest friends, Jisoo.

"The weather is really bad, we should leave early today" she said as she glanced outside the window, staring at the heavy rain.

"The weather reports say that it will get worse by midnight, and its supposed to get worse by the end of this week, lets leave Jennie"

"I would rather stay here" I said softly. I don't have anyone to go home to, and the view from my mansion isn't like its from here. I don't even know if I can call it home, home is supposed to have family right? Mine was just an empty building, furniture doesn't make homes, people do.

"Jennie" Jisoo sighed, before continuing "They will probably cut all power here too in a while, and if the storm gets worse as predicted you won't be able to travel to your place for a few days, come on, lets go"

I sighed too, she was right. I couldn't stay seated on my office desk and live in my cabin which doesn't have anything except shelves and papers for a whole week. The next thing I am doing is getting a room build for myself here, It will be so comfortable.


A warm smile crept up my face after hearing that nickname. Jisoo always calls me that, she says i have dumpling like cheeks. I looked up at her not realising she has been waiting for an answer.

"You leave Jisoo, I spent too much time today doing nothing, I will complete a little work and leave after an hour"

"You sure? You can complete it later, lets go" She said pouting a little, which my face mirrored.

"Nah, I really need to complete this, especially now that you mentioned we might not be able to function next few days, this needs to be done" I said with apologetic eyes, I really wanted to go back with her but I couldn't.

"You and your workaholic ass" She sighed making me chuckle before she continued with a grin on her face, "Anyways, make sure you return to my place instead of yours, don't  want you to have the chance to stay away from my annoying ass for a whole week"

I chuckled again and gave her a nod with a warm smile. I knew why she was doing this, Chu never wants me to stay alone, she knows how much it gets to me.  She even suggested I move in with her a while back, but I really can't burden her like that. I suggested her to move in with me instead, but she has familial responsibilities, hence it didn't work out.

Storm [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now