Chatper 2; save me

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Jennie's POV

My screams were muffled and my struggles went to waste as I was ruthlessly dragged through an alley, my eyes barely able to make out the surroundings because of how dark it was.

I could my feel tears well up my eyes and wet my cheeks, mixing with the rainwater as I continued to try to get myself free with no success. To say I was afraid would be an understatement, I could feel an anxiety attack nearing me as the person continued to drag me.

I was suddenly pulled into someplace, the darkness making it too hard for me to figure out where I was, but the rain wasnt pouring on me anymore so I was sure I was inside a room, and this fact was solidified as I heard the click of a door.

Panic consumed me like never before as I realised I was locked into a room with a stranger so much more powerful than me, and I moved my legs with all my strength, but the strong arms on my mouth and holding my hands behind my back kept me in place and my screams in my mouth.

"Look what I got" I heard a male voice, I was sure it was from the one who was holding me.

"What is it" another man spoke up from somewhere behind me, He sounded sleepy.

"Wake up dickhead, I got us new fuckmeat"

My heart rate rose, I hated that I knew where this was going, I continued my struggle with all my strength but to no avail was I able to get out of his grasp. I could hear my heavy breaths, I could feel  my attack approaching me, but i tried my best to calm myself, I couldn't let this happen right now, when I was already in deep shit.

My eyes squinted close as dim yellow light illuminated the room, It was so dim yet my eyes couldn't manage it because of how accustomed they had gotten to darkness the past few minutes.

"Damn" I heard from someone in front of me, I am too afraid to open my eyes, I kept them closed, I didnt want to see whoever this was.

Suddenly I was thrown over hard floor as I groaned in pain, I turned over to lay on my back as I opened my eyes and to my worst fears, two grown men, who looked to be in their 30s were staring down at me like I was their prey, in a small room that was surrounded by brick walls

Suddenly I was thrown over hard floor as I groaned in pain, I turned over to lay on my back as I opened my eyes and to my worst fears, two grown men, who looked to be in their 30s were staring down at me like I was their prey, in a small room that...

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I was too consumed by shock to move, my tears staining my cheeks as I looked at them.

I was drawn out of my trance as one of them, who had black hair, reached out and grabbed my foot, as a sudden reaction, I kicked his hand away with my other foot.

"Stay away from me!!" I screamed as I started to crawl backwards, only for my back to collide with the wall, leaving me with nowhere else to back away and escape to.

"Oh you really want us to painfully force you woman?" The gray haired guy said and chuckled as he lunged forward, pinning me to the wall and kissing me forcefully.

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