Chapter 4; soft touch

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Lisa's POV

I was woken up the soft snoring noise of the girl who sleeping with her head on my shoulder. I let out a soft chuckle as I as I opened my eyes and yawned lightly followed by a light sneeze.

That's when I realised how cold I was. I was so tired that I had fell asleep despite the cold weather and rain, and now I had caught a cold. It was still raining as expected, but surprisingly not as heavily as last night. The soft sound of the raindrops were like a melody to my ears as I tried to pull on the rug sheet as much I could trying to cover myself.

"Are are you cold?"

I turned my head to see that the girl, or princess had woken up. It suddenly hit me that I didn't know her name. I really want to ask but I don't think it's my place, we are just strangers afterall. The thought brought sudden sadness all over me, as I realised that as much as I loved her cuddling me last night, she was just a stranger who vulnerable and needed protection at that time. But something about her touch, and the way she looked into my eyes had sparked something in me, I felt the need to keep her safe and happy.

I mocked myself internally while sighing. What am I even talking about.

"Hey" I felt her warm fingers touch my shoulder, sending an electric jolt thought my veins as I looked at her in broad daylight for the first time, She looked even prettier.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"I asked are you cold? you seem to be shivering" She replied with genuine concern in her feline eyes.

"Ohh..I.." I shook my head awkwardly before continuing "I am okay, don't worry about it, let's try and get you home" I looked her in the eyes and gave her a warm smile, which she didn't return. She was staring at me while frowning. I suddenly got worried. Did I do something wrong?

"What happened?" I asked, the concern in my eyes mirroring the one im her eyes.

"Y-your face, and your body, there see so many marks, I am so so sorry, this is all because of me" She said and I could see her eyes getting watery. My heart suddenly broke, just like it had yesterday when I saw her screaming and crying with those men, or when I saw her scared and crying with me.

"I told you, Its nothing! Don't worry about me" I paused trying to come up with a change in subject "How are you feeling? And are you okay enough to walk some distance" I asked worriedly.

I wanted to get her to her home safely as soon as possible, last night was so traumatizing for her and going home is the least she can do right now. I also suggested another thing I had in my mind before she could answer, "Later, you can file a case against them and I will testify in your favor"

She looked at me with wide eyes, before removing my shirt from her body and trying to make me wear it, which I resisted,  while saying, "What are you doing? You were shivering since last might and its still cold, wear it back"

"You are sitting here in your underwear telling me that its cold???" She said a bit annoyed, I was taken aback. Before I could reply, she continued, "Wear it"  before withdrawing her tiny arms and leaving my shirt in my lap as she looked away, as if she was mad at me.

I groaned and put it on, even though the warmth was very inviting, I rather her wearing it.

"Here" I replied with a smile, which she returned this time after turning her head towards me. Oh god, wasn't that the the prettiest smile I had ever seen. And she wasn't even smiling fully, I wonder how she'll look when she smiles properly, and how her laugh would sound.

"Now, tell me, where do we have to get you?" I asked. I wondered how a girl like her ended up in this area, and how in that room?

"I will go myself, I have troubled you enough, Thankyou so much for everything again" she replied, looking down at her lap

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