Chapter 3; her safe place

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Jennie's POV

"STOP PLEASE" I screamed but they didnt listen. There were hands all over my body, ripping away my clothes as I tried to move but I was paralysed. I could feels two pairs of hands tugging at the waistband if underwear and then

"FUCK" My eyes opened and I couldn't see anything but darkness.

Wait..that was a dream? I was about to sigh in relief but soon enough my eyes adjusted to the darkness and the realisation hit me that neither was I in my room, not in Jisoo's. The soft sound of the heavy rain outside pierced my ears as I suddenly touched my body and relief washed over me because I was clothed, but it went away as quickly as it came because I realised they weren't mine. Infact, what I thought was bed sheet around me seemed like a jute sack?

I tried getting up but saw an arm snaked up around me, panicking that I was still with those men I was ready to push it away, but before I could push it away I realised it was a girl's arm? Infact I realised it belonged to the stranger whose lap I was currently laying in. I looked up to see a girl leaning her head on the wall behind, I couldn't see her because it was so dark. I wanted to get up, but I felt so warm and comfortable right now. Her scent was so comforting, I inhaled deeply and for some reason, I felt safe.

My head started to spin as I tried to recall the night before, and suddenly the events start to hit me...the broken car..I got locked out..being forcefully pulled away..locked into a room..two men..being stripped naked by them..their touch..the attack..and a stranger coming in..and the last thing I could remember was being carried away away by the warm and strong arms of someone.

My eyes swelled up with tears and I started sobbing as I thought of how close I was to getting raped just a few hours ago? or a few days ago? My heart felt heavy, I don't know how long I had been out or where I was. I gently tried to sit up, my arms hurt as I used them to support myself, they still hurt from the way they were being held by those men.

I sat up and looked at the girl in front of me, she was sound asleep. I couldn't see her face clearly because of the darkness and her wet hair sticking to her face, but from her built I recognised her as the same stranger who had had saved me earlier. I could see some fresh bruises and cuts over her arms, probably from physical fighting.

I didn't realise I was holding in a sob as I starting crying hardly, my sobs and the heavy noise of the rain were only noises that could be heard together, It was a wierd melody.

The storm was still around, it probably hadn't been that long since I had passed out, I wanted to go away from this place but the idea of walking alone and having something like earlier happen to me again sent a shiver down my spine. I held on to the girl's arm. I dont know why, but I was feeling safe because she was around. For the first time in years, while being in the most unsafe environment, I felt the safest I had ever felt because she was near.

I wasn't able to continue my trail of thoughts as I heard faint footsteps nearby and a gasp escaped my mouth, and on instinct I went beside her and hugged her tight burying my face in her chest, clenching my eyes shut as tight as I could. I was scared beyond one could imagine and didn't want anyone nearing me right now.

This seemed to awaken her, as she let out a low groan and I could feel her shift in her position.

"What?" She muttered sleepily.

"S-someone's there" I whispered, quiet enough for it to not be audible above the noise of the heavy rain but loud enough for her to hear me.

"Huh?" She still seemed sleepy and shifted more while the footsteps got louder, whoever it was, was close. I gripped onto her more tightly, she seemed to have heard them too and I felt her tense up. She seemed to be awake amd aware by now, and she wrapped her arms around me softly as I clung on to her. She whispered a very soft "shh", indicating me to stay quiet.

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