Chapter 5; pay back

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Important A/N at the end of the chapter <3

Jennie's POV

Lisa seemed so uptight, she was so nervous before getting into my car, and still is and it made me so sad.

I was taking glances at her every 2 minutes trying my best to not get caught, but to my dismay, not once did I see her looking relaxed. The doe eyed girl was looking straight ahead and it seemed as if she was trying to move as little as possible to make sure she doesn't touch anything.

I let out a sigh and continued to drive so that we reach my place as soon as possible.

I also left Jisoo a quick text apologizing and telling her I am okay and decided to go to my place instead of hers. I felt so bad for not even giving her a call after disappearing for a night without a word but I wasn't ready to face her yet. I would have to explain everything to her and I don't think I was ready to go over everything that happened last night right now. It was all to fresh in my memory.

And I had Lisa with me.

It wouldn't require rocket science to figure out that she wasn't doing well at all and after what she had done for me, I wasn't going to leave her alone to deal with her difficult life. Helping her out was the least I could do to pay her back, but with the way she wasn't even getting into me car earlier, I knew it wasn't going to be an easy task.

As we drove in silence, I wondered how I was going to convince this girl of letting me help her.

"We're here" I announced as I signalled one of my gaurds to unlock the front gates for us. Seconds later my car was parked and I turned off the engine and unlocked the doors. As I turned towards Lisa I found her staring at my mansion with her jaw hanging open.

" y-yours?" She spoke up for the first time since entering my car, referring to the enormous piece of architecture standing a small distance away from us.

"Yes" I simply nodded as I stared outside too, looking at the mist in the weather. It was raining lightly right now but the sky was still dark, one could tell it would rain heavily tonight. The thought scared me, rain no longer seemed beautiful to me. I was glad that I would be surrounded by the warmth and security of my mansion and lisa's company this time.

Lisa's company? Where did that come from ruby jane?

I mentally scoffed at the thought and proceeded to get out of my car as Lisa did the same.

I heard a tiny "Ouch" leaving her mouth as she winced while getting off the car and I noticed her limping. Concern took over me as I enquired her again,

"Are your legs okay? You are limping"

"Its fine, don't worry about it" She blurted quickly out awkwardly and I just sighed in defeat once more. She clearly seemed uncomfortable and was acting too formal since she maybe figured out I was wealthy and I wasn't liking it a bit.

"Come on" I motioned for her to walk in with me, we had to walk all the way to the front door of my house through the garden pathway which was covered by a shed, thankfully. I was still wet and lisa was soaking wet, avoiding more rain was the least we could ask for right now.

I was trying to think of everything to distract me, but I couldn't stop feeling roaming hands allows over my body since the time I woke up today. I hugged myself tighter, trying to think about how far away from them I saw right now, about to enter my house.

My lips suddenly curved up and I found myself smiling at the thought of not entering my adobe alone for the first time in long. Jisoo usually visited, and so did some of my other friends sometimes, but this was the first time someone new except the usual people was coming in with me and I felt a tinge of happiness in my heart at the thought despite the traumatic event that just occured a few hours ago.

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