The Past is the Past

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Humans have many faults, and some people drive to achieve something greater. People have always dreamed of immortality or the ability to return after they die. These ideas led to people finding ways to improve humanity as a whole. During this time, someone was able to create something that changed the way how humans would live forever. They created a new species that was sort of an evolved human. A human that could live forever and can be almost impossible to kill and unique abilities. These humans eventually became their own species, and they are known as revenants.

 These humans eventually became their own species, and they are known as revenants

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Few Examples of Revenants

Revenants have unique abilities that only their species possesses. First, they are immortal creatures that can come back to life unless their heart is destroyed. If the heart of a revenant is destroyed, then the revenant is dead for good and can't return from the grave. Another unique ability is where every revenant has their own blood-like factor. These are known as Blood Codes. Blood Codes give every revenant their own unique abilities. This leads to every revenant having their own unique powers, strengths, and weaknesses. For most revenants it is impossible to absorb another revenant's blood code but there is one class that is able to do this. This blood code is known as a Void-Type which means that the revenant's blood code is broken and allows the revenant to absorb another revenant's blood code. This Void-Type is very very rare, and most revenants haven't seen one. Another thing that only revenants can do is use things called Blood veils. Blood veils are used by the revenants to drain blood and a substance known as Ichor from other creatures. Even with all these powers and abilities, every revenant isn't truly safe from becoming a monster known as a Lost.

Few Examples of the Lost

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Few Examples of the Lost

The Lost are creatures who were once a revenant that has lost their mind and have turned into a violent, mindless, and cannibalistic beast which later became known as a Lost. Lost are a threat to everyone, except other Lost, since they feed on other creatures to survive. The Lost also produce a mist known as miasma that actually induces the bloodthirst of a sane revenant which could lead them going into a frenzy which, in turn, turns them into a Lost.

There are a few downsides to being a revenant and the main one is the thirst for blood. Similar to vampires of urban legends, revenants need to drink blood, or they will go into a frenzy and attack anything near them which will eventually lead to them join the ranks of the Lost. This need for blood and going into a frenzy is an issue that the Revenant themselves wanted to get rid of and they started projects to achieve this goal.

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